Beginning Info

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Hello dragon lovers everywhere!

Curlyhorse back....again. My tenth book on WattPad TEN! (Well, technically ten, I deleted one so now it's the ninth but let's just count it as ten because we can)

Welcome to How To Train Your Viking. Now, I know there is already a lot of fan fictions on this, mine isn't going to be like those. I'm starting from the beginning, the very beginning. Basically Toothless's life long before he met hiccup. I mean, there's 15 years we've missed. During the first movie hiccup says that he looked at him and he saw himself. I thought about this for a minute, then I noticed how toothless is actually almost the exact opposite to hiccup. I mean, think about it, scrawny boy, deadly dragon. Useless viking, feared beast. Pretty opposite if I say so myself. Then I thought, how would he see himself if they technically have nothing in common. That's when it hit me, what if they are the exact same. What if toothless isn't such a magnificent dragon. What if he is only seen like that by the vikings, what if he is seen like hiccup is seen by the dragons. Let's just say, toothless doesn't have much of a back story during the movies, very slight hints give you a thought about his past. I have looked beyond that, so I wrote this story to give you my idea of his back story, out of all the hints I have gotten from the movie.

Okay, one other thing, dragons clearly don't speak English. Pretend I've translated it. Just, go with me here. Also, it might be a bit confusing because I've change Toothless's name to Phoenix in the beginning. Just trust me it will all make sense.

Hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to vote, comment and follow! And if anyone has any ideas please do let me know, I give credit to all :D

Peace out B-)

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