Jealous-Tsukishima Kei(1)

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   You were fucked. There wasn't anything else to it. Your friend, Hinata Shouyou was going to Karasuno. Why is that important? Because he dragged you with him. That's right. You were leaving all your friends, except Shouyou.

   You put on the uniform and waited for Shouyou at your door. His house wasn't far from yours, so he usually walked to school with you.

   "(Y/N)!" You heard your short, energetic friend call from down the street. You smiled and waved. "Ready?"

   "Yeah," you sighed out.

   He cocked his head. "You okay?"

   "I'm okay," you said, "just nervous. I don't know anyone there but you, Shouyou."

   "Oh" was all he said to you. You two started walking to Karasuno. At some point, he asked you, "Will you come watch volleyball practice?"

   "Probably not today," you said. "But I'll come more as the year goes on, okay?"

   He looked a little upset, but nodded. The two of you kept walking and making conversation. Once you got to the high school, the two of you said your goodbyes and parted ways.

   You walked and found class 1-4. You walked in at sat down. The class was mostly full of people. On your right sat an abnormally tall boy with short blond hair and glasses. His brown eyes stared ahead. He had headphones on. You shrugged it off. On your left was a girl with brown hair that ended at her elbows. Her eyes were a shade of green you couldn't name well.

   The two of you met eyes. "Oh, hi," she said.

   "Hi," you said shyly.

   The girl looked at you. "New here?" All you could do was nod, ashamed for whatever reason. You wondered why she phrased it that way, considering both of you were first years. "My name's Nomura Aiko, But you can call me Aiko. What's yours?"

   "(L/N) (Y/N)," you tell her. The two of you started talking. Aiko was a bubbly girl, who had her pervy moments. You were curious what the telephone pole next to you was like, but it was clear he wouldn't talk to you much, if at all. So you kept speaking with Aiko.

   You noticed Aiko had kept sneaking glances at the boy next to you. "Do you know him?" She asked.

   You cocked your head. "No, why?" You asked her.

   "Well you keep looking at him." You felt your face burn red. Shit, You cursed. Aiko laughed. "You can talk to him. I don't mind waiting. Not like you'll get much outta him though."

   "I know," you said, sneaking a glance at him. "But I at least want his name. That way I can at least say I know more than two people in this school." Aiko laughed a bit and nodded.

   You turned to the boy next to you. You swore you saw his eyes skip from the back of your head to the front of the room. You looked at Aiko expectingly. She shrugged. You sighed and tapped his shoulder.

   He raised an eyebrow, looked at you, and took off his headphones. "What?"

   "I was hoping I could get your name because I don't know many people here," you informed him. You couldn't help but notice how aggressive it sounded.

   He sighed and gripped the side of his headphones. "Tsukishima Kei," He said as he pulled the headphones over his ears again.

   You looked at Aiko. "Well I got his name," you said monotonously.

   Aiko laughed. Soon, your teacher came in. The lesson started, but you couldn't stop thinking about the telephone pole named Tsukishima next to you.

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