Its Them

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I was waiting for her reply but suddenly there was a noise from outside to which our looks diverted towards the main door. There was some one standing with soo much excitement in his eyes. He quickly hugged pa and greeted him. I think he is Rohan. Ma soon went and hugged him. "There u are i was waiting for u for so long".

"Mom, this time i came to see bhabhi and only bhabhi" he said with a smirk on his face. And ma started her drama like he has forgotten her and all that but it was fun watching them. They love eachother soo much. And i must say this family is completely a mystery for me and darshan.... He is definitely a weirdo and that's what i call him from the day since i met him because he is full of mystery and ofcourse weird also. I soon came out  of my thoughts when i saw someone in front of me.

"Hello bhabhi, nice to meet u. Myself Rohan and i am darshan's brother" he said and gave me a brotherly hug. He just reminded me of my brother.

" I was waiting to see u and to meet u in person bhabhi. I am sorry i couldn't make it up for the wedding. I had an urgent meeting so i had to go"

" Its okay i understand" i said with a smile to which he smiled back.

" Seriously u r amazing bhabhi and perfect for darsh. Calling u bhabhi seems too formal so i have already decided a name for u, so i will call u huks okay" he said. Wait.....that sounds too weird, what is huks is that even a name but i should admit that i like him calling me that way its sounds good.

" And y did u name me so" was my next question

" Because i love that name" he said but a little disappointed.  I decided not to ask anything further i smiled and said i like it to which he was overwhelmed. We soon started talking about a lot of stuff in which he also mentioned about a girl in his flight who was irritating him to the core. I just smiled at his innocence. He is just like my brother. How lucky am i to get another brother who is just like my brother in my in laws.

" ya sorry i forgot i have to meet my friend she said she will be there at 1 and its already 12:45 now so i have to go. I am sorry" i said with guilt that i could not spend time with him.

" It's okay but if u want i can drop u huks"
I didn't reply. He continued, " if u want me to accept ur apology then let me drop u" he said. I had to say yes i was left with no other option.

We drove off to our favourite restaurant where i was going to meet her. And i can see her waiting for me. Now i can no longer wait to see her so i rushed inside without even thanking my brother in law who was so sweet to drop me off.

As i went in i closed her eyes from behind. I was so stupid because she would obviously know that its me but still it was my habit of doing it to her when ever i met her.

"So the pretty girl is waiting for me" i said.

" And the prettiest girl is not bothered to come early to meet her bestie who has come all the way from london to meet her." She said and i could sense the anger in her voice.

" I am so sorry i actually had to meet my brother in law who has also come from london today soo wouldn't it be rude if i don't meet him giving an excuse that even my friend is coming............wait even he has come from london so does that mean u guys came in the same flight?" I mumbled.

" May be..... i don't know " she said.

" Hey huks u left ur phone in the car" came a voice from behind. Before i could thank him both shouted  " YOU" with unison.

" Do u guys know eachother" i asked.

" Ruchi what is he doing here" jaanu asked.

" I should be asking that one" he said.

" You shut up" she said and he repeated the same
" You shut up". Before i could even speak they started yelling at each other and i could see the eyes of people towards us.

" Guys...guys what is wrong with u people will u pls calm down. We are in a public place and please dont create a scene over here. " I sighed a relief after calming them. I made them sit.

" So jaanu this is my brother in law i was talking about, his name is rahul and" i was soon cut by jaanu saying Rohan. I asked what and she repeated, " ruchi its rohan not rahul" .

" Oh sorry" i was so embarrassed. " And rohan this is my friend i was talking about and her name is.." he cut me by saying " Jhaanvi".

" Wait what is happening here am i introducing u people or r u introducing urself to me. Tell me what is going on coz i wanna know how do u guys know eachother" i asked. But all i could see was them staring at each other as if they will kill eachother the next moment or if i wasn't there i bet they would have done that.

" Now stop staring and will someone pls tell me ur mouth i am speaking to u" i yelled at them bringing them out of their thoughts.

" Sorry huks i really didn't mean to do it. It is just that i hate her so much."

" No mister u r wrong it is me who hates u" jaanu said.

" Can someone tell me what is it all about" i shouted.

" Look Ruchi i told u i had an important deal and that i had to do it. It is because of this idiot that everything messed up and i lost......i lost that deal and my boss is so angry with me that he is ready to fire me any moment." Jaanu stated.

" No its because of u that i lost the precious deal if u weren't there then i would have cracked it a long time back" he said.

" Its u who had brought the wrong files"
" No its u who had messed with my presentation"
They started their fight again. " Do hell with ur deal and business but i don't want u people fighting for that in front of me" this time i was damn serious and they could sense it with the harshness of my voice.

" Sorry huks". " Sorry ruchi". They apologized.

" See i dont know what happened between u two but remember u both r special people to me and i feel hurt when u guys fight like that so pls don't do it. Forget everything....i want u guys to be friends." I said to which rohan stood up and said " no ways i am accepting her as my friend"
" Neither do i" i heard from her. Rohan left with that rage.

" Jaanu listen to me" i pleaded but before i could complete she stood up said " sorry but not in the mood to talk" and  left. I was sitting there helpless. Now how should i talk to them and how do i convince them. I thought of taking a cab but Rohan was there waiting for me. I got in the car but before i could speak anything he said not to bring that topic again and drove off.

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