Let Last Long

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After the kind of surprise or should I say shock that I got from darshan everything was normal between us... from being formal with each other. Finally I have got what I wanted all these years....the moment that I craved for......the kind of person I was waiting for who completes me....who let's go of the emptiness after the demise of my father. I have got darshan finally and he is mine now. I will never let him go. He is mine and mine forever, I thought looking at the morning sunshine coming from the window. Being with darshan is so blissful. Looking at him sleeping like a baby next to me and his hands on me as if someone would take me away from him, all this looked so cute and yet he hates it when I call him cute. Know why?? because my handsome husband likes to be called hot than cute. But still I'll not stop calling him cute because he is!!

Last night was beautiful.....he carried me in bridal style to our room. He kissed me so passionately that I never felt so blissful before. It was as if I have got the world's most happiness in my life. He suddenly pulled himself away and was about to leave when I stopped him by holding his collar.

"Darsh!!" I called him.
" Please don't go" was the only thing I could say.

" I won't" he said passing a pale smile. He kissed my forehead and pulled the sheet over me.

" Is this the way we are gonna be.....like forever??" I asked him out of the blues.

" Meaning??" He asked.

" You asked me to take our relationship further and .......and I said yes.....then what's the problem?" I asked. I was actually embarrassed by my question but I had to ask.

" I know but I don't think you are ready for it yet..... let's give it time.....we will.....when you are comfortable and completely ready for it...okay??" He smiled but I didn't.

" You are talking to me as if I am a kid" I complained like a kid.

" Oh well..you are" he again smiled making me furious.

" Oh well...I am not" I imitated him.
" Darsh....trust me I am ready and you know you have given me enough time and I think it's highly time to take it further..."

" Well I see my wife is so desperate to have sex with me" he smirked.

" Shut up darsh" I hid my face in his chest to avoid his gaze as my face became as red as a tomato.

" Okay now I think I have the right to see my wife blush" he smirked again....I could sense it. I hit his chest playfully for him to stop embarrassing me further.

" I know we have moments .....like really great moments together and ya I was waiting for this but definitely not this way....I want it to happen when you are completely ready for it" he said.

" Well I am......I mean....." I stammered.

" See......you can't even name it and you are saying that you are ready for this. Its not like how they show in the movies okay?" He said.

" Darsh I know.....I am not a kid...so for God's sake stop talking like that" I was disappointed not because he said no but rather because he treated me like a kid which I don't want him to. But his next move left me in shock. He kissed me.....till I lost my breath. Slowly he started kissing my cheeks and then my jaw and then to neck. His kisses brought goosebumps all over my body....this feeling is what I never felt before. I didn't want him to stop, I wanted this to continue......I know I am a very shy type girl but for me he is my first priority....I love him more than anyone could imagine and this relationship between us is so pure that there is nothing wrong in making out with him.

He then kissed my forehead and whispered in my ear
" It's already late....good night" he said.

" Darsh I am serious!!do you think that I am saying this for your sake? No mr.darshan raval you are wrong. I am saying this because I love you....more than you can ever imagine. I don't exactly remember when I fell for you but I know when I realized it, it was when Rohan proposed jaanu. She explained me what love is all about and how it feels when you are in love with someone, the same feelings which I had for you from the very beginning but I couldn't name it. And from then mr.raval I was head on heals over you. All that I could think of was you. I was so stupid that I even tried to impress you and this idiot in front of me didn't even realize it. Of course even I was an idiot that I wasn't able to see your love for me and since now everything is fine and that we are together I want this to happen as a sign of love between us....love and just love. I want to feel your love darsh......" Tears started their way again until he kissed them off.

" I am sorry I didn't know you love me...I just thought...." Before he could speak anything....I kissed him and this time I did it like never before. I didn't even know how to kiss but still I did it. He continued it............it went on like that.....one after the other........


I am complete now.....in every possible way. I became his completely yesterday. Yes!! We made love!! The most beautiful feeling that I ever had. I can't say more than this coz it's a feeling and putting it in words is like impossible. I am lying beside him naked and he nonetheless is also naked but I don't feel uncomfortable anymore because he is darshan....my darshan. I hugged him more tightly and fell into deep slumber.

I woke up with a sudden jolt maybe due to the nightmare. I couldn't find him beside me where did he go I was wondering. I tried getting up but felt a sharp pain between my thighs. How would I be able to walk now? What if someone sees me walking like this? What would I say? All such questions were running when someone came and hugged me from behind. Who else can it be.... of course it was my idiot. Who likes to embarrass me all the time.

" So how was last night?? beautiful!!" He asked making me go red.

" As perfect as you" I said hugging him back.

" Is it painful?" He asked out of concern.

" A little bit" I said smiling like a lunatic ,hugging him tightly.

" Soo....I have something to say" he said.

" What is it?" I questioned.

" Maa,papa,Rohan and jaanu will be going to Maldives" he said.

" And...what about us?" I asked.

" Actually I got a call this morning from naushad Bhai...... about our next project....so we should be leaving tonight to Mumbai" he sounded disappointing.

" Ohh......but..." He cut me off in the middle...
" It's actually important else I would have cancelled it" he replied.

" Okk" I was also disappointed, thought of enjoying a little bit more.

" Hey don't worry after this project I promise you it'll be the best time of our lives trust me" he kissed my forehead.

After getting ready we got down for our breakfast and informed everyone about our sudden change in the plan. Everybody were as disappointed as we were. After spending the whole day we finally had to bid bye to everyone and boarded our flight back to India.

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