[ Chapter 2 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

" Just so you know we have back up " Zenix leans against the kitchen counter as I hold the knife, cutting up apples.

" I didn't ask " I said as I put the slices in the bowl.

" I was just saying " he said.

" So far there's like seven of you here, where's the other three? " I asked as I start washing the knife.

" They'll be here in a few more hours, shouldn't you be doing your work? " He asked.

" I'll get it on later, I just got off from prison this morning, chill would you? " I grab a towel and dry the blade of the knife.

I turn to him and walk to him, he tensed up hold the gun on the side of his waist.

" Drop the knife " I look to my right and see Catherine holding the gun up to me.

" What?, I'm not going to kill him " I said as I gesture to Zenix with the knife.

" Drop the knife " she said.

" Do I really need permission to put the knife back? " I asked.

Zenix turns around behind him where the knife holder is, Catherine put the gun down.

" Fine, here " I put the knife on the counter next to Zenix and grab the bowl of apple slices.

I walk out of the kitchen and head up the stairs passing Coraline. I didn't even give a glance at her as I take a bite of one of the apple slices.

I walk down the corridor and enter my room. I leave the door open and approach my desk where there's my laptop and phone they gave back to me, however they're wiped clean, when I say wiped clean meaning all videos and pictures of my past are gone.

This will take time for me to track Trevor.

I want to get out of here well guess their wrong, I'll do anything to get out of prison and see Penelope again, anything for my precious little girl.

She's all that matters to me.

I focus back to my laptop and grab another slice of my apple. Since they wipe everything out, I have to start all over again, typing on the keyboard and clicking on the mouse, I just sigh finishing my apple.

" How long will it take? " I look behind me and see a guy with jet black hair and green emerald eyes.

" You guys wiped it clean, it'll take a while, weeks, probably months " I said and turn back around to the screen.

" Why didn't you kill him? " He asked.

" Excuse me? " I asked as I turn back around to him.

" I just don't understand why you didn't take them down, your capable of taking down more than three people " he said and cross his arm leaning against the door frame.

" Are you a cop?. . .Ash? " I look at his badge on his chest.

" All of us in this house is the same, just a couple of agents " he said.

" You mean special agent cops? " I asked.

" Just agents "

I notice a ring on his finger.

" Are you married? " I asked.

" Yeah, why? " He asked.

" Do you have any children? "

" Two girls " he said.

" If you were in my situation and was offer for freedom and see your daughter's for the first time in years, would you kill him? " I asked.

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