[ Chapter 17 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.

" Your late " Ian said as I sit down on the table next to him.

" I had to drop my dad off at the hospital " I said.

" Is he alright? " He asked.

" Then I wouldn't have told you I dropped him off at the hospital " I said.

" Your in a bad mood " he said.

" Not really " I said and start typing in my my laptop.

" How many words you already have? " He asked.

" About 40,000 " I said.

" 10,000 more " he said.

" My deadline is next week " I said.

" I'm sure you'll make it, plus boss said your book was interesting " he said.

" And he said yours is too sexual " I said, he chortles.

" He said I could make it " he said.

" Could " I quote.

" Whatever " he said and turn away to his laptop screen, I chuckle.

" And I have to print all these right after I'm done without editing " I said.

" Yeah, I'm waiting to read it and expect you to misspelled a word and make yourself look like an idiot " he said.

" Dude, that's not nice " the girl in front of me said.

She has brunette hair and dark blue eyes.

" Anna, you literally have no room to talk " I said.

" Yeah I don't, Ian your a dick " Anna said.

" I'm just wondering if I should get a cover for the book or just leave it plain with a title " I said.

" I can get someone to model for your book " the girl behind me said.

I turn to her and see her with blond hair and dark brown hair.

" You can do that? " I asked.

" Yeah, it wouldn't be a problem " she said.

" What's the catch? " I asked.

" No catch, you've seen my covers " she said.

" So that's how it is Tori? " Ian asked.

" What? " She asked.

" That's your game, you convince people and help them while you get the credit " Anna said.

" On second thoughts " I turn back around.

" Way to ruin it assholes " Tori said.

" Aww, we love you too " Anna said, she groans.

" I love you too " she grumbles.

" Ian " I look up at the door and see a girl with jet black hair and light blue eyes.

" Yes, Sam? " Ian asked.

" Your wife is on the line " she gesture to the room behind her.

" Why did she call? " He asked as he sit up properly.

" She's having trouble parking at the lot and she's asking if she can wait for you at the entrance " she said.

" Tell her I'm on my way down " Ian said.

Sam leaves the room and he turns to me.

" Wife? " I asked.

" Y/n- "

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