[ Chapter 8 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

" We won't be able to find him if this keeps up " Gavin said.

We all look at the computer screen to see the same rapid change of location.

" It's been two days " Ein groans.

" I tried hacking the satellite " Jackson said.

" What did you get? " I asked.

" Nothing "

" How about you? " Ein asked.

I sighed and did a hand gesture as in 'isn't it obvious?' and let my hand rest again on my head.

" I genuinely don't get, why are we searching for this guy when we can't even get a specific location " Gavin said.

We all sighed and I started to mess with it. I ended up zooming in all different location as it realize something.

" Hey guys "

" What? " The three guys turns to me.

" Put your laptop on the table " I said.

We all did it and organize them in a line, I back up, looking at the four screens, I look follow the green dot that is rapidly changing locations.

" What are you seeing? " Ein asked.

" It's a pattern " I said and grab Gavin's laptop placing it next to me, switching Ein's with Gavin's.

Now it's in order.

" It's making an 'X' " Jackson said.

Seeing the green dot move in sync from my laptop to Gavin's, Jackson's and Ein, I look at Jackson's laptop where the cross is.

" He's in the USA " I said.

" Seriously? " Ein asked.

" Specific location? " Gavin asked.

Jackson zooms in.

" Illinois, Chicago " I said.

We flinched when shots was fired and glass shattering, Ein grabbed my arm and pull me down. He covers my head for me as we hide behind couch.

Everything calmed down.

Ein let go of me and we all four stood up looking over to our laptops that are all shattered.

" Oh come on, that was a 5000 dollar laptop " Gavin said.

I turn to where the shots come from and see the glass is all over the place and the door slams open as the two security guarding this place with their rifles.

" We didn't do anything! " We all raise our hands.

" Get on your knees " we all did as the guy said and the other guy takes out a radio.

He starts to say codes as the one guy keeps a gunpoint at us.

" Come on man " Jackson complaints.

" Stay there until they arrive " the guy points the gun at me.

" FYI, I have head damage " I said.

" We'll see about that "

~ Time Skip ~

" He's in the city of Illinois in Chicago? " Zenix asked.

" That's what we got before my 5000 dollar were blown into oblivion " Gavin said.

" What are we going to do? " Catherine asked.

" Go there, duh " Aaron said.

" And what are we going to do with them? " Talia gesture to the four of us.

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