[ Chapter 41 ]

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Y/n's pov.   

" They're here " Trevor walks in the kitchen as I look out the window to see red and blue lights shining through the window.

" We need to get paramedics in here, she won't last any longer " Katelyn said.

I look at Coraline who's face is pale, the table is coated with blood so does her hands is covered in them, her lips are chapped and weak.

" No one is going anywhere " Trevor said.

The bleeding on my neck stopped and I turn to Trevor.

" Trevor, she'll die " Catherine said as she help Katelyn to put more pressure on the wound.

" I don't care " he said and points the gun at us.

" Just kill him already " Coraline said weakly.

" Get her some water " Katelyn said,

I walk away from the table and Trevor points the gun at me as I flinched.

" Let us help her please " I said.

" Please?, That's the first to hear you say it " he said.

" Is it really the time to talk about it? " I asked, he snicker and gesture his head for me to continue.

I grab the glass in the cabinet and pour water with the jug on the table. I approach Coraline and place the glass against her lips, she drinks it then I place the cup down. I look back at Trevor.

" Trevor " I walk up to him and he backs up putting the gun up.

" You need to let us go " I said.

" Why would I do that?, I'm not stupid " he said.

" Coraline is going to die if we wait more longer " I said.

" Sit down " he said.

" No " I said, he backs up and look out the window.

" I know Zenix keeps another gun upstairs in his dresser on the fourth drawer " Catherine whispers.

" I'm on gun control, I can't shoot a gun " I whispers back.

" It's do or die " she whisper.

" We need to distract him " I whisper.

" Katelyn, there's a chance I'm going to get shot or stabbed so you think you can handle Coraline alone? " Catherine asked.

" As long as it's not fatal " Katelyn said.

" Let's hope it's not " I said.

Catherine step away from Coraline and stand behind the wall as Trevor walk back in the kitchen.

" Where's the other girl? " He asked.

Catherine then jumps out of the corner and pin Trevor on the floor.

" Y/n go! " She shouts, I run out of the kitchen and run up the stairs.

A bullet was fired behind me and I cover my hears as I continue to run down the corridor. I hear Catherine screams in the background and I open the fourth drawer of Zenix's dresser to see his shirts, I move it away and see guns.

I hear rapid footsteps on the stairs and I run to the door, I open it and look down the corridor to see Trevor, I pull my head back when he fires, I take deep breaths.

" There's no way out Y/n " he said as he gets closer.

" What do you want with me? " I asked.

" You put me in a predicament where I was tortured " he said.

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