[ Chapter 26 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

" Moving again? " I asked as I see him putting a gun on the back of his waist.

" We have to or they'll find us " he said.

" We? " I asked as I see him placing down his phone next to the bag full of his clothes.

I approach him with a confused expression.

" I was basically in jail for over a month and I have to make things up for us " he said.

" Make what up? " I asked and he turns around to me and I stand next to his bag.

" It was a pretty rough break up but I heard about Tyrell being a dick and he's the reason your in this state, so I'm going to take care of you " he said and walk to his closet.

My hand slowly slides behind me to the phone.

" I heard your still going through rough times, you can't even take care of yourself living in that apartment " he said, I keep an eye on him as I unlock his phone.

I started dial Zenix's phone number, I put it upside down and place it next to his bag. I feel the phone vibrates under my hand as in he answered.

" So where are we going? " I asked.

" Somewhere far, hopefully long enough for us to spend some time together " he said.

" Why me? " I asked.

" It's how relationship works " he said.

I look over to his bag and see airplane tickets.

" We're going to Los Angeles? " I asked.

" Yes, there's a few clients I still need to take care of " he said.

" Your still dealing drugs?, I thought after three weeks in that jail has taught you a lesson " I said.

" Being the motherly that you are but I'm not listening to you " he said.

" You shot one of my friend and threw my phone out of the window " I said.

" He'll be fine, it's just a bullet to the stomach, nothing fatal plus I'll get you a new phone " he said.

" He lost a lot of blood " I said.

" I helped you with a lot of things and here I am doing it again to fix our relationship " he said.

" How do you know you won't get caught again? " I asked.

" Cause " he turns around and I slide my hand off the table, he approaches then grabs the phone.

" I'm not stupid " he place the phone in his bag.

He didn't notice.

I look up at him when he pinned me to the wall next to the table, I yelp holding my stomach.

" It's how I do things with my girlfriend " he runs the back of his finger down my cheek.

" And I don't hit girls " he leans in closely.

" But you kill them " I look down at his lips that are smiling evily and back up at him.

" Exactly " he then kiss me.

My head hits the wall behind me gently, I push him off and wipe my lips, he smirks.

" I already have some of my men's to cover our tracks "

~ Time Skip ~

" Is this necessary? " I asked as he put on a sunglasses on me and himself.

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