[ Chapter 14 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

" Hey, why aren't you happy? " Katelyn walk up to me.

" I am not happy but satisfied with the verdict, I'm just on probation for two months " I said.

" Congratulations " she said.

" Thank you " I said.

" For what? " She asked.

" For being the witness on the stand " I said, she smiles.

" I told you it's on me, anyways where's Ein? " She asked.

" He's somewhere with Coraline, she said she wanted to talk to him " I said.

" Oh my god " she palm her face.

" Why? " I asked.

" Their probably making out " she said.

" I don't blame them " I said, she raise a brow at me.

" I've kissed her " I said, she snickers and I chuckle.

" They'll be fine, well I'm not guilty and I can find a job " I said.

" Haha " she said, I smile.

" Jackson and Gavin? " I asked.

" They confess that they committed the crime willingly " she said, I sigh.

" Penelope? " I asked, she shakes her head.

" I understand " I said.

" Hey " I turn around and Nadia approaches.

" Nadia, did you guys got everything done? " Katelyn asked.

" Yep, now all we need is you " she turns to me.

" Me? " I asked.

" The team actually wants to talk to you outside " she said.

" Okay " I chuckled nervously.

" Come on, you'll love it " Katelyn said.

We three walk down the stairs and into a lobby where we see the others gathering around, Ein is there.

" Hey guys " Katelyn gets their attention and bout of them walk over to them as I just stood in front.

" So, what's all this about? " I asked.

" First off, congratulations on the verdict " Talia said.

" Thanks " I said.

" Second of all " Zenix approach me and pass me a key.

I look up at him in confusion.

" We got you an apartment " he said.

" Thanks " I take the keys and he smiles.

" We got everything done for you, even furniture's " Garroth said.

" What about Ein? " I asked.

" He already did, that's why I called him " Coraline said.

" It's the best we can do for you " Aaron said.

" Seriously? " I asked.

" Yep " Catherine said.

" You got me an apartment? " I asked.

" And a car " Aaron toss a key and I caught it.

I exhale in disbelief.

" It's just unfortunate that I live in a different complex " Ein said.

" Thank God for that " I smile, he gasp dramatically.

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