[ Chapter 39 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

" But what if they hear us have sex? " I asked as I see Katelyn and Coraline entering the spare room.

" They won't, just don't be loud " Zenix stands next to me.

" Says the one who's loud " I said.

" I am not " he said, I snicker and hit his shoulder, he gasp and hit me.

I roll my eyes.

" Plus, we need them here for back up " he said.

" Well, let's just hope there's no more than one body bag in this house " I walk away.

I approach the kitchen and grab the apple in the bowl.

" It's a typical situation for us " Zenix approach and I take a bite of the apple.

" Not for me " I said and take another bite of the apple.

" You think you can sleep tonight? " He asked.

" Why would you ask that? " I asked.

" Cause you couldn't sleep last night and had me to hold you until you fell asleep " he said, my cheeks flush red and I shove the apple in his mouth.

" Your a liar! " I said and he laugh then take a bite of the apple and swallow.

" Am I? " He asked as he throw the apple in the trash.

I turn away and cross my arms, he chuckled and I felt his arm wrapping around my waist with his chin resting on my shoulder.

" Embarrassed? " He asked.

" No I'm not " I said as I feel my cheeks getting more redder, it's heating up as well.

He snicker and kiss my cheek, he let go and walk away, I look back as I place the tip of my finger on where he kissed me, I smile then turn back around to the counter.

I grab the jar of cookies and start eating one.

He's such a. . . .a. . .ugh!!!

" How annoying " I close the jar and sigh after finishing the cookie in my mouth.

I look up at the clock and see it's six in the afternoon.

" Might as well make dinner " I said to myself.

I open the fridge and see there's mushrooms.

" I'll make mushroom stew " I said and close the fridge.

I open the packet and grab the knife, taking the cutting board I place it down, I was about to cut the mushroom when I glance at the knife.

An image flash in my hand where there's a lot of blood. I grip the knife tightly as more images flashes in my mind, I swallow a lump in my throat and my hand starts shaking.

" Y/n " a hand was on my shoulder, I flinched then gasp as I turn around.

I see Zenix stand there and he yelped in pain.

" Zenix? " I asked, I look down and see me holding the knife that is stabbed into his stomach.

" Oh my god! " I take out the knife and drop it to the floor.

" Zenix! " He holds the wound and I put pressure on it as he goes down to the floor against the cabinet grunting in pain.

" No, no, no, no, no! " I panic.

" Katelyn!, Coraline! " I scream as tears stream down my cheeks.

I grab the towel on the table and place it on the wound.

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