[ Chapter 10 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

" A room, yay " I hang my bag on the chair and put down the laptop.

" Be grateful that I used my money to get you a mattress, pillows and blankets, or else I would let you sleep on the floor " Giselle cross her arms leaning against the wall.

" Fine, thanks for the mattress " I said, she snickers.

" I doubt that " she shuts the metal door.

" Well I tried " I sighed and sit down on the matress that is on the floor.

Feels like back at home, we used to sleep on the floor back then. We didn't have a proper bed due to mom and dad cause they were strung out, every night.

I look out the window that is bulletproof and a bar was outside of it. I flop down and pull up the blanket, it's soft.

" Hey " three knock was on the door.

I push of the blanket and sit up.

The bottom of the door slides open and I see a tray with a cover slides under and the small door was closed, hearing it close.

I got off the matress and crawl to it, I kneel in front of it and open the cover. I exhale in disbelief.

" Barbecued strawberry chicken " I caught a whiff of the food.

The smell fill in my nostrils and it smelled delicious.

" Too bad I can't eat you "

I put the cover back.

" Sucks to me "

I place my hand on my grumbling stomach.

" Guess I won't have to eat anything tonight, except. . . " I pick up the water bottle.

" You "

I sigh again.

" At least I can take my pills with an empty stomach " I stand up and walk up to my desk, I sit down on the chair, I take out my bottle of pills from my bag.

I take out a pill and put the capsule in my drawer, I swallow the pill with the water and cough a little, putting the bottle down, I lean back on the chair and switch on the laptop.

I continue to track down this Trevor guy.

Typing the keyboards rapidly, I manage to get a hold of the boys through a chat.

jack101 : guys, got anything?

gav53 : nope.

itsspelledein : nada.

y/n_j : seriously?

gav53 : i think it's going to
be another pattern where we
combine our laptops.

y/n_j : damn it.

itsspelledein : hey guys, what did
you have for dinner?, I got BBQ
strawberry chicken.

jack101 : same here.

gav53 : ditto.

y/n_j : well I'm fucked.

itsspelledein : sorry cupcake.

jack101 : it was not bad.

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