[ Chapter 45 ]

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Y/n's pov.

" This is not what I imagine dying peacefully is like " I said and wipe my mouth dry with the towel.

" Well, your meds aren't really working and your puking your guts out, but why are you still taking them? " he asked.

" Well at least it kills me " I said as I hang the towel, Zenix tilt his head to the side with a raise brow with an expression that says 'really'

I smile and went onto a blank expression, I walk out of the bathroom and head to the kitchen, picking up the glass full of orange juice, I take a sip and sit down on the stool.

" Are you going to get this fixed or not? " I asked as I look at the table with the knife carve mark where Coraline was stabbed.

" It should be fine, it's not that damaged " he walks in the kitchen.

" You know what's the best part of being sick? " I asked.

" What? " He asked.

" I haven't had my period for the past five months ever since I got sicker " I said.

" How is that the best part? " He asked.

" No cramps to deal with " I said, he snickers.

" Don't snicker like you know how it feels " I said.

" Cause I don't " he said and pour himself a glass of orange juice I just made.

" I kinda missed having periods too you know " I said.

" How? " He asked as he put the jug down.

" I'm always cranky, sometimes it makes my body weak and I rest a lot, I have to change multiple times a day, and now I'm just doing nothing, instead I just eat, take my meds sleep, puke " I said.

" Nothing is ever fun without anything " he said.

" Your right about that but this is the life I chose when I was shot in the head " I said.

We then hear rapid footsteps on the stairs, I turn my head and see my daughter running into the kitchen.

" Penelope, what did I say about running around the house? " I asked.

" Not to? " She asked.

" That's right " I said and she got on the stool.

" What do you want kiddo? " Zenix asked.

" I found this and I wanna know what it does " she takes out a small square packet.

I gasp and Zenix face flush red as he snatches it our of her hand.

" Eh? " Penelope said as she tilt her head to the side.

" This is nothing, it's just. . . .paper " Zenix said.

" Can I draw on it? " She asked.

" What are you doing in our room sweetie? " I asked.

" I was bored, but I saw more of it in his dresser, I'm going to go get it- "

" No! " Zenix and I both exclaimed.

She looks at the both of us in confusion.

" It'll give you cooties! " Zenix said.

Penelope screams and run into the living room where I see she jumps on the couch and wrap herself in the blanket. Zenix and I look at each other than sigh in relief.

" I told you to put it in the cabinet " I said.

" No, it's the closest to the bed so I can grab it easily while we make love " he smirks as he walks around the table, I snicker.

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