[ Chapter 7 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.

I put my legs up on the table next to my laptop as I cross my arms, watching the screen. The location rapidly changing from Seattle here to New Jersey, New York, etc.

" Hey " I put my legs down and turn around to see Zenix.

" Why are you still here? " I asked.

" Thought I'd get you these " he shows me a cup of smoothie.

" A smoothie? " I asked.

" Coraline bought for all of us including the three idiots " he said and pass it to me, I take it as he lean his back waist in the table.

I take a sip and spit it back in immediately.

" Whoa, you alright? " He put down his drink and I start coughing.

" Strawberry " I wipe my tongue with my sleeve.

" You don't like strawberry? " He asked a she place his hand on my back.

" As much as I like smoothies but I have an allergy to the one and only fruit I've tried when I was little but wasn't able to eat it again and that is straw- "

" Strawberries, your allergic to strawberries " he said.

" Yeah, I'm just gonna clean my mouth " I said and stood up.

I walk into the bathroom and rinse my mouth.

" Are you alright? " He asked, I dry my mouth and exit the bathroom.

" At least I didn't swallow it " I said.

I sit back down on the chair.

" Are you sure?, Gotta make sure you don't go into anaphylactic shock and die " he said.

" I'm fine, Zenix " I said.

" Just making sure " he said and drink his smoothie through the straw.

I sigh.

" What's wrong? " He asked.

" Just wondering how Penelope is doing, I left her when she was two years old " I said.

" Katelyn has been taking care of her, checking school schedule and all, she'll be fine, Clark and her are actually good friends " he said.

" I don't know if she remembers me, Clark probably hid me away from her, since he's the one who called the cops on me " I said.

" He was scared, I would've done the same " he said.

" I thought he would cover for me, instead he takes my daughter away from me " I said.

He hummed in response and drink his smoothie as he cross his arms.

" I don't really know what to say " he said.

" Why are you here? " I asked.

" I literally just pass you a smoothie that almost killed you " he said, I snicker and look back at the screen.

He turns around and look at it.

" He's insane " he said.

" I see why you guys are getting a difficult time " I said.

" Zenix " we both turn around and see Catherine by the door.

" I need to talk to you " she gesture her head out.

Zenix grab the smoothies and walk out closing the door but not entirely. I hear their muffle voice outside the door, I sighed and stood up.

I approach the door to close it, placing my hand on the doorknob when I pause.

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