[ Chapter 29 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.

" How does ice cream going to help? " Katelyn asked as I put the spoon full of F/f ice cream in my mouth. (Favorite flavor)

" I'm sulking so shut up " I said.

" It's not your fault they broke up " she said.

" Remind me why your in here again? " I asked.

" I came here to ask you about are you going to press charges on Trevor for sexual assault or not?, You didn't last time and now I'm here to ask if you want to now but instead you invite me for ice cream and ask about how's Zenix and Catherine, so what's your answer? " Shee asked.

" No " I said.

" Are you sure? " She asked, I nodded and take another spoon of ice cream.

I sighed and stab the spoon on the ice cream while I eat the one in my mouth.

" How did you know they broke up? " She asked.

I look up at her.

" He basically cheated on her with me " I said.

" What?! "

" I didn't do it intentionally! "

" Explain " she said.

" He leaned in and I kiss him, we didn't know that she was standing outside my room watching us, plus it didn't mean anything " I take another spoon of ice cream.

" Did it? " She asked, I look up at her.

" I don't know " I shrug.

Her phone then rings, she picks it up from the table.

" Speak of the devil " she shows the screen.


I look away in discuss and take a big spoon of the ice cream.

" I gotta take this " she walks out of Laurence's kitchen and answer it.

I sighed.

I'm in Laurence's house, apparently I got evicted for not paying for the past two weeks so I'm living with this rich boy.

" What did she say? " Laurence enters the kitchen.

" None of your business " I take another spoon of ice cream.

Before I could put it in my mouth he takes it and put it in his. I whine.

" My house, my ice cream " he takes the tubs and I sigh in exasperation.

" So your just going to starve me? " I asked.

" No, but you should eat healthy " he said.

" Why? " I asked.

" Because you've been on and off with your appetite for the past months " he said.

I roll my eyes away.

" Now that you mentioned, I am kinda hungry " I said.

" Want me to cook? " He asked.

" If I want to see you burn the kitchen down along with you in it yeah sure " I said.

" I'm being serious " he said, I let out a breath.

" Just make me pancakes I guess " I said and Katelyn comes back.

" I have to go, see you next time Laurence, you too Y/n " Katelyn walks out of the kitchen and I hear the front door shut.

" You two know each other? " I asked.

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