[ Chapter 27 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov. 

I swallow my pill along with the water, I place the bottle down on the table as I sit down on this chair in my tights and bra.

I see my flannel is on the floor and my tank top is no where to be found. I look at the wall and watch the screen as I put on my flannel, we'll be landing in 25 minutes.

I look down at my stomach where the stitches are and I didn't tear any of my stitches. I push my messy hair back and I hear a door open, I look up and see Trevor walking out of the toilet putting his shirt on.

He smiles and walk up to me when he stop and pick up something behind the chair in front of me.

He then stood up and show me my tank top.

" You threw it there " I said in annoyance, he snicker and pass it to me.

I take off my flannel and put on my tank top then my flannel again.

" It's not my fault that you got wild " he said.

" Says the one who just gave back my shirt that he threw " I said.

" I wanted rough and you accepted it so I went rough " he leans down at my level.

" Why didn't you just kill me? " I asked.

" And why would I do that? " He asked.

" I'm the one who got you imprisoned " I said.

" And also the one who made me feel something that I haven't felt in a long time " he looks at me with his eyes puffy a little bit.

" Are you high? " I asked.

" Possibly, I did just smoke a joint a few minutes ago " he said, I scoff as I take a whiff of the air and smelt the weed.

I roll my eyes in annoyance and just fix my hair with my fingers. He sit down next to me and start kissing my neck, I groan lightly and push him away.

" We'll be landing in 25 minutes, might as well use the time " he said.

" No " I said and pick up the cup, I pour myself bourbon.

I pick it up and about to take a sip when Trevor takes it.

" Thank you " he finish it in one go, I groan in annoyance and pour the bourbon on the second cup.

He puts down the empty cup and picks up the one I just refill.

" Seriously? " I asked.

" Alcohol is no good for the brain injury " he said the finish it in one go.

" Why wouldn't I drink when I won't live longer anyways? " I asked.

He slam the cups down on the table, I look up at him as he pin me back to the chair, my breath hitches and he place his hand on my neck.

I look up at him as he looks at me with his eyes seriously looking at mine. I can feel his breath on my cheek.

" You will not die by taking anything " he loosens his hand and place it on my cheek.

" I'm going to let you die by natural causes and nothing else "

" Alcohol poisoning is one way " I said.

" That's suicide " he said.

" Why didn't you kill me by the first time I busted you in Chicago? " I asked.

" I told you, we're going to have a new start together, once I'm done with all my clients, I will stop with the dealings and have us to live our life peacefully " he let go of me and sit down next to me.

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