[ Chapter 33 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

" People are staring " I look away as I hug my stomach facing the window.

" Well having a serial killer walking around my brother in law's house with all our family members is a little scary " he said.

I look up at my father as he hold the cup of bourbon, I scoff and look away again.

" Says the one who's drunk everyday and couldn't care less about their children, why bother talking to the murderer who killed four of your kids "

" Bringing that up won't do anything " he said.

" And drinking alcohol doesn't solve your problem " I said.

" Alcoholism " he said.

" It's nine in the morning " I said.

I hear mutters behind me and I turn around to see two of my cousins talking to each other while looking back and forth at me. I glare at them and they immediately turn away when they saw me.

" Amateurs " I look away

" Found your punch " Zenix approach.

" Ugh finally " I grab it from his hand and take a sip.

" I almost take apart my cousin's tongue out but the problem is I can't put it back together " I said.

" Hi Mr. L/n " Zenix said.

" Have I met you? " Dad asked.

" Yes " I turn around to him.

" But the problem is you were drunk that day " I smile.

" F/n, I'm glad you can make it " Susan approaches.

" Sobered too " she said.

" Haha " he said.

" And your here " she turns to me, I smile innocently and immediately drop the expression.

" Dad " I turn around and see Lizzie walking up.

" Hi Lizzie " dad ruffle her hair and she just stood there with her phone in hand.

" Lizzie, want some punch? " I lower the glass to her.

" The drink or your fist? " she asked.

" What's that supposed to mean? " I asked.

" Lizzie why don't you go find Cruz? " Susan asked.

She didn't say a word and walk away.

" Really? " I asked.

" I'm gonna refill " she gesture to her empty cup and walk away.

" I never liked her " I take a sip of my punch.

" Neither do I " dad said and walk away.

" She's your sister " I said, he just raise his glass.

I turn to Zenix.

" I hate everyone " I said.

" You wanted to come " he said.

" I wanted you to meet my family " I said.

" Well, we can talk about that back at home and. . . . " He grabs my bag and unzip it.

" You need this right now " he takes out my pills.

I sighed and take the capsule from his hand.

" Not now, not in front of everyone " I said.

" Just take it in the bathroom, the pill is for you not go into a psychotic episode " he said.

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