[ Chapter 20 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov

I yawn as I walk down the sidewalk as the sky become dark and the half moon shining down.

" This sucks " I said as I hold on to my flannel cause it's cold as fuck out here.

It's been 15 minutes of walk and my legs are tired, I haven't jog in a while, nor do I haven't been to the gym. Well, I have no time for that. I stop in front of a bar and see it's open.

Might as well waste my night and drunk walk home.

I enter the bar and walk up to the bar and sit down on one of the stool, I feel a bit better since it's a little bit warm in here.

" What can I get you? " The bartender asked.

" Whiskey " I said as I put my bag on the other chair next to me.

" Rough day at work? " He asked.

I look up at and see he has light blue eyes and brunette hair.

" Not really, my date isn't answering his phone and he's my ride home " I said.

" Ouch " he pours a cup for me.

" He's probably strung out on his cocaine with his friends " I said.

I take a sip of the whiskey and look down as I just stare at the ice floating.

" What do you work as? " He asked.

" Author, well not yet " I said.

" Just starting? " He asked as he grab a cup and I just hum in respond.

I take another sip of the whiskey and put it down on the table. I sighed again and finish the whiskey.

" Refill? " He asked and I nodded.

" I didn't catch your name " I said as he refills it.

" Ethan " he said.

" Y/n " I said.

" I know you " he said.

" How? " I asked.

" My husband told me " he said.

" Husband? " I asked.

" Ash, heard of him? " He asked, I snicker.

" So your a special agent cop too? " I asked.

" No, just a bartender, I told him I'm not going to participate in that kind of work and someone needs to take care of our girls while one of us are gone " he said.

" I doubt that "

I drink half of the whiskey in my cup then put it down, I swallow it and coughed a little.

" You don't drink alcohol much " he said.

" Only if I want to, but I can't cause I'm on probation " I said.

" You should call someone for a ride home or you'll get in trouble " he said.

" Uh oh, special agent cop mode activated " I said.

" I'm not a cop, I'm just saying, drunk walking home is not a good idea, plus I'll just get you a cab if I over serve " he said and pick up an empty cup and arrange it in the cup board, I chuckled.

" I just want to drink " I said and finish my cup.

" I'm just giving you an advice " he said.

" Well, thank you for your concern officer " I said.

Addicted【Zenix X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now