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Vikrant's POV(past)

I went towards her and slapped her hard across her face. Though it was against my values to raise a hand on a woman but this human infront of me wasn't a woman but just a filthy piece of shit.

"How dare you to touch my wife with those filthy hands of yours. Just because I am tolerating you it doesn't mean you get the right to hurt my wife. I have had enough of you now. Just get out of this house right at this minute." I held her hand and pushed her towards the door I wish I could kill her right at this minute. I walked into the guest room which she had occupied since the past 3 days bringing all her things I threw them at her.

"Dare you enter this house again I will not hesitate to strangle you till death." I really don't know how I am controlling myself from killing her.

"That slap will cost you a lot Vikrant mark my words." she said and walked out. It was just so frustrating to bear her for even a minute more.

After relaxing myself for a few minutes I went to check on Arushi. Thankfully she had left the door unlocked. I found her sleeping peacefully and her fever had also subsided a lot. I sighed in relief.

"Just let me find Naina Arushi, everything will be fine then." I said peeking on her forehead.
While I was cooking dinner Praveen informed me that they had found Naina's location it was somewhere near Pune between some dense forest like area. He said his team would leave for the place in a few hours and he asked me to be there as well. Right now all I am praying is for Naina's well being. I cannot face mom if anything happens to her.

I was platting the food when Arushi walked into the kitchen.

"Arushi why did you have to come here....I was bringing dinner for you." I said because I actually was going to take it for her.

"I am asking you something? Are you feeling better now?" I asked and she chose to stay quite ignoring my question. She walked past me to the fridge and took out a bottle of cold water. She really lacks some brains. I snatched the bottle from her before she could even take a sip. 

"What the hell....give me the bottle." she yelled.

"You had fever this morning and you want to drink ice cold water....Are you for real a doctor?" I really doubted on her being one after what she was about to do a few seconds ago.

"Dermatologist." she replied as though that wouldn't make her a doctor anymore.

"Ya what ever even a Dermatologist is a Doctor." I said dragging her towards the table. I brought the dinner and we started eating in silence. I needed to inform her about going to Pune and not forgetting the warning that the bitch gave this morning I wanted her to be safe.

"I am going to Pune tonight for an event I'll be back in 2 or 3 days...You cannot go out of this house until I come back." I kept my voice as strict as I could because I knew it won't be easy to make her comply by what I want atleast not after the events that have taken place in this 1week of our marriage.

"And why do you think I would abide by your words? I m not your girlfriend to work as you say." expected.

"You are my wife."

"Wife....Seriously." she chuckled at my statement.

All I want is her safety I just want her to stay back at home for a day or two. I don't want more troubles now. Please agree to me.

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