Part I

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Lexa's POV

"Woods, we have another case! we need you in the reunion office" Anya my assistant came into my office. I sigh and get up. I make my way to the office, where I'm supposed to go.

I enter the room and see Indra, Roan, Anya and Luna. "What is it this time?" They look at each other and I frown. Roan take the billboard with all the information on it.

"We received a call from the president, someone entered the Withe House at night and put a bomb". I nod and go to the billboard. I try to find if we have more information. Which I hope we have.

"They could not be so far, we need to locate them" I say, I think about what we could do and an idea flash into my mind. I smile and look at Roan and Indra.

"Roan find me the video of the security cameras from the night they entered the White House, I want those recordings. Indra, find a map of Washington we'll need it" they nod and leave the office.

I sit down on a chair and look at Luna and Anya "when will have everything you two you'll come with me, we are going to find those criminals" they nod their head.

"Can we go buy lunch for the team? We'll probably be in here for a long time". What Luna said makes sense. I nod and they leave. I'm now alone in the office waiting for Indra and Roan to come back.

I take my phone and call the White House. "Your call will be removed after you have finished with the president" I roll my eyes and wait for him to pick up.
What is he doing? Why is it so long.

"Hello you are with president Kane, what can I do for you?" I smile and shake my head, he always loved to introduce himself like that.

"Hey, it's Woods, I heard about the bomb, are you alright?" I said and I can almost hear his excitement when he heard my last name.

"Woods! It's been so long, yes I'm good don't worry, so what my niece want?" I smile at my uncle and tell him we are on the case. He didn't say anything about it, but I know he is worry for me.

"Look, we just want to know if there's people you are suspecting, I know a lot of people doesn't like you, but we need to know" I said with a little laugh. He returns it.

"No, I don't know anyone who could do that, but maybe there's one person, I think his name is John Murphy". I note the name on a paper, I'll write his name on the board when I'll have a picture.

"Do you have picture of him? We'll have to make an interrogation" I hear Kane searching in some paper. He lets out a little "aha" when he found something.

"Yes I do, actually Mr.Murphy was one of the guard, he has been fired from his spot when I caught him sleeping on duty". I roll my eyes but let out a chuckle.

"Can you send me a picture of him, please? I'll need to put his face on the billboard" Marcus sighs, but tell me that he'll send me a picture in two minutes.

I nod same if he can't see me. I thank him and end the call. "The call has been removed from the historic". I sit down and wait for the picture.

Uncle Kane 🙏🏼
There's your picture you asked, you can print it.

Little niece 😀
Thanks, I'll talk to you later, love you

I must admit, if I wasn't gay, I would have made a move on him

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I must admit, if I wasn't gay, I would have made a move on him. I print the photo Kane sent me and put it on the billboard writing John Murphy above the picture of the guy.

Roan enter the office and eyed the billboard. I explain what happened when he left, and he nod. "I have the recordings Woods, do you want me to watch them or you'll do it?" he asks.

"I'll watch them, oh and Roan?" he turns around cocking his head "if you see Luna and Anya, can you tell them to bring lunch in here?" he nod and leave the room.

Indra comes into the office two minutes later, putting the map of Washington on the board. "Indra you are off duty for today, go back home" she nods and leave.

I take the tapes Roan left on the table, I take the disc and put it in the computer. The whole video last 3 hours, I sigh and start to watch. After 30 minutes in front of the video, I realized something was wrong.

I narrow my eyes, bitting the nail of my thumb. I notice the people on the video are always the same, always doing the same movement. That's when it hits me. The video has been looped. I let out a sarcastic laugh.

I bring my hand in my hair and let out a groan. How can our best team missed that! I get up and make my way to Roan's office. He is in front of his computer and some paper.

"Roan!" his head snap up and he looks at me like he was scared of me. I roll my eyes and smile at him. He relaxes and he sit comfortably on his chair. He let out a yes and I enter his office.

"The video is on loops, we'll never find the criminals with these recordings". He nod and get up. When we enter the reunion office, Luna and Anya were there.

"Did you find something Woods?" I shake my head no and they let out a shit. They hand us our lunch and we start to eat. "Actually president Kane is suspecting John Murphy, we'll have to find him".

"There's something, but we are missing it, I swear they can't be far". I try to think about what is missing, but nothing seems to make is way is my head.

I get up from my seat and put myself in front of the map. I take a sharpie and look at the three in front of me "ok so, they did it at night around 4 am, so approximately, it has been 8 hours. So if the White House is here" I point to the House and do a perimeter around it "they could be around here, here, here and here"

They all nod and start to clean up their place "Roan, look if you can find a John Murphy, call or text me once it's done" he nod and leave "Luna, Anya, you're off duty, there's not a lot to do, so take a break".

They hug me and leave. I sit down and put my head in my hands. I sigh and get up, going into my office. I collect my things and leave the FBI building, I text Roan letting him know to not forget me if he finds Murphy.

I go in a bar not to far away from the FBI building and sit down. The bartender asks me what I want "I'll take whatever you give me, strong please". He comes back with a glass of whiskey. I thanked him and start to drink.

"Rough day it is" I turn my head toward the voice, I laugh at this still drinking my glass.

"You have no idea, we've been fooled by some criminals" she sits down besides me and laugh. She extends her hand for me to shake.

"Ontari" I take her hand and shake it, I smile and give her my name. We make small talk, she's really cool.

"So? How the greatest team of the FBI has been fooled?" I laugh and start to explain what happened. My phone buzzed in my jeans. I look at it, it was from Roan.

King Roan 👑
I found Murphy, there's a unit on him already, can you
come back to the office?

Commander FBI 💪🏼
Yes I can, give me 10 minutes, omw

I look at Ontari and tell her that we found a guy and I have to go. She hand me a paper and I take it. I smile and leave the bar. At least I wasn't drunk.

I make my way to the room where we interroge the criminals. I enter the room, and the guy we caught, was on a chair. He looks into my eyes. I sat down in front of him and start.

"So John Murphy, what do you know.."

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