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Lexa's POV

I hear a groan besides me which wake me up. I rub my eyes and yawn. I turn my head and see Clarke looking at me with a small smile.

"What time is it?" I ask. She turns around and pick up her phone. She looks at it and her eyes widen.

"We slept for a long time, it's eleven babe" I stretch and let out a groan. Clarke puts an arm around my waist, putting her head on my chest. I play with her baby hair and smile.

"You know what I want to do today?" she shakes her head no "I want to stay in bed with you all day, we could go shopping to buy some snacks and we lay down in our bed, watching Netflix on your laptop, relaxing date" I smile.

She smiles and nod her head. She get up from the bed and changed, she puts an hoodie and some jeans. I put on a flannel and ripped jeans. We take an apple and brush our teeth.

When everything is finish, Clarke kiss me. "Hey you, good morning" I smile and hug her.

We go downstairs and see everyone, but Raven asleep on the couch. I look at Clarke and whisper "what happened last night?" she laughs.

"You don't remember?" I frown, scared of what she will say. "Last night we watched a lot of sad movies, we were all balling our eyes out, we all passed out, you woke up, you picked me up and told me I'll bring the princess to her castle then you put me on the bed, and you passed out in my arms" oh my sweet little Jesus.

I blush and put a hand on my face. I hear Clarke's laughing and roll my eyes playfully. We make our way to the car, I drive to the grocery store. We get out of the car and I put an arm around Clarke's shoulders.

I take a cart and start to walk around the grocery store. Clarke stops me in my track and hop into the cart. I smile at her and kiss her head.

We are currently in the chips section when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I stop and turn around. "How can I help you?" that's it Lexa, make it sounds like you're working here, dumbass. I smile.

"Hi, hum I watched your video and your song, you're really talented well all the band are not just you, but anyway, I really love what you are all doing" she says turning around.

"Wait!" she turns around again and she blushes "do you want to exchange numbers? I can give you mine and Clarke will love to give hers" the girl looks really excited.

"Omg! yes sure, hum wow okay" she gives me her phone and I put mine and Clarke's number in. I hand it back to her and smile.

"How old are you? and what's your name?" Clarke asks politely.

"Oh my name is Victoria I'm 16 years old, music is all my life, helped me when I went through some rough time" I nod and smile.

"Well it was a pleasure to meet you, text us" she nods and leave. I smile and start to push the cart again.

"Why did you do that Lex?" I frown at Clarke as she is taking some candies and chocolate.

"I just I don't know, I felt like I needed to do it" she nods and frown. I look at her and rub her shoulders.

"What if she leaks our numbers?" Clarke asks. I didn't think about this possibility. Gosh why am I so stupid some time.

"I'm sure she won't, she looks like a nice girl" as we are walking out of the grocery store, we see a woman pulling a teenage girl by the arm.

I run to them and push the woman, I'll assume it's her mom. "What's your problem! she's a child, let her go!" I scream to the older woman.

"Who are you to tell me what I have to do to my daughter!" the mom screams back. I scoff and roll my eyes.

"I'm Lexa Woods ma'am, you just shouldn't treat people like that! even more if it's your daughter! you are messing up your relationship with your daughter and later you'll regret it, if I was you I would keep her, hell I'd take care of her now if I had too!" I scream in the mom's face.

"Well, you can keep her I don't care anyway she's useless" the mom says leaving. My mouth falls opens, I look around for Clarke and see her with the little girl.

"I'm so so sorry, hum well we'll take care of you for sure, you'll see we're six but we are really nice we are playing music" I say, I look up from the ground to see the girl "Victoria?"

She keeps her head down and I take her shoulders in my hand "hey it's okay we won't give you up okay?" she nods and hug me. I hug her back and rub her back.

"Thank you Lexa and Clarke" I look at my girlfriend to see her beautiful smile and her sparkling eyes. I smile and pull back of the hug.

"You coming? we'll go to our house" she smiles and nods. I smile and we make our way to our car.

Clarke puts an arm around my waist and whisper in my ear "it's kind, thanks for what you're doing, we'll take care of her" I smile and kiss her cheek.

We jump in the car and I start to drive I look into the rear mirror and make eyes contact with Victoria "are you playing all kind of music?" She shakes her head no and smile.

"No i don't but I love to listen to music" I smile and turn on the radio. Clarke takes my hand in hers and I smile.

"Aww you guys are so cute! did you know that after your video, people give you ship names? like yours is Clexa, Octavia and Lincoln are Linctavia". I smile and look at Clarke.

"I like it, it sounds good" she nods and bring my hand to her mouth. We make small talk the rest of the drive and laugh.

"Okay so we're home, don't be afraid of Raven and Octavia they are the worst" she laughs and get out of the car.

We follow her to the door and I open it "kids I'm home!" Raven and Octavia come running and hug Clarke and I.

"Babies! we missed you" they say pouting. They look at Victoria and frown. "Woah you're leaving for an hour and coming back with a kid"

"I'm not a kid! I'm 16" Victoria says, I smile and mess with her hair. Octavia and Raven laugh and present themselves.

"I know who you are guys, I'm a fan I love what you're all doing, you're all really talented" Victoria says, Raven smiles at her.

"Well the drummer is pretty good if I should say" Octavia laugh with Victoria, while Clarke and I roll our eyes.

"Do you have the snacks for our date?" I ask Clarke she nods and I smile. We start to walk upstairs when I turn around.

"Victoria? make yourself at home" she smiles and nod. Raven and Octavia wave at us and leave with Victoria.

I take off my pants but keep on the hoodie, Clarke's doing the same. We jump in the bed and cuddle automatically. I smile and wrap my arm around her. She takes her laptop and put on Netflix.

This is the perfect laziest date ever and I really really love it.

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