Part VI

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S/o to HeDa_WaHeDa her books are amazing go take a look, thanks for the media


Clarke's POV

As soon as Lexa's gone, I take my phone and call Raven, she's not picking up her phone and I start to panic. I call again and this time she answers.

"Reyes! she knows, Monty turns you in, you need to leave!" I say quickly and a bit nervous for her.

"Woah Griff, what do you mean he turns me in? who knows?" she asks confused and on the edge of the panic.

"Lexa knows, the girl I talked to at the park, they caught Monty told him he would have to do 6 months to 1 year if he turns one of us in" I say trying to calm down.

"What the hell! why would he do that!" at this point I know she was mad and she clearly need a hug.

"Rae I think the best explanation is he turns you in because he knew you would protect O and I, he knew you'd turn Bellamy in, that's why, and it makes sense" I say my voice cracking a little bit.

"I love you Griffin, don't ever forget that, may we meet again" she hangs up the phone and tears were rolling down my cheek. It was all because of me! If I hadn't been so selfish we wouldn't be in this mess.

I go the the nearest bar and enter. I sit down on a chair and ask for four shots of whiskey. The bartender looks at me weirdly, but give them to me. I thanked him, and start to down them one by one.

I ask for another round, I do what I did and down them all, when I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn my head and snort.

"I think you had enough to drink" the green eyed says with a little smirk. Damn I love that smirk. I laugh and she raises an eyebrow.

"Your smir-smirk is really beautiful" she laughs and help me out of the bar. Her arm around me feels so good.

We walk for a bit, well she walks for a bit, me? I was against her trying to stay on my feet. I gasp when a song cross my mind. She looks at me, concerned and I start to sing.

"Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they know
Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I don't care what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway"

She snorts and I feel myself drifting away of this world. My eyes start to close and I black out.

I start to open my eyes, but the light is to bright and my head hurts like hell. I try to turn around, but an arm is blocking me. Oh oh. What did I do? I turn my head and Lexa? the hell?

I look under the cover and we are both dressed. I let out a sigh of relief and try to get up of the bed, without waking her up. Which I succeed to do.

I smile and start to walk around her house. I look around and realize I'm in the kitchen. I look for some painkillers who will end my headache.

It took me some time but I found them. I start to feel a little better, I sit on her couch and open the tv. What I find shock me.

"I'm Anya Jackson, I work for the FBI, as you may know, we arrested Monty Green and were looking for 4 more complices, well you'll be happy to know we caught another one, Raven Reyes has been arrested, 3 more persons to go, and the case will close. Thank you"

No. No. No. I think I'll be sick, tears roll down my cheeks. I don't hear the footsteps coming out of the room as I'm focus on the television.

"Clarke? You're alright..?" Lexa asks when she sees me crying. I nod and close the tv. The last thing I want her to know is that I have something to do with her investigation.

She sits down next to me and put a hand awkwardly on my back rubbing it, trying to calm me. In all honesty, it's kinda working. I have to lie to her.

"I'm sorry, it's just I miss my dad so much" she nods and put her arms around me, I let my head hit her shoulders and cry even more. My best friend has been arrested because of me.

We stay like that for a bit and she gets up of the couch, she grabs a hoodie, a shirt, and a jogger, tossing them to me. I look at her, confused.

"I'm taking you out" she says, I blush and nod, I walk towards her bathroom and close the door. I start to put what she gave me, and look at myself in the mirror. I look decent. I get out of the bathroom and my jaw drop when I see her.

She's wearing a black and white flannel, with ripped jeans, some vans and her hair are let loose, they are in a waves and they are beautiful.

"Take a picture it will take less longer" she says with a wink. I roll my eyes and blush. I follow her and we make our way to a motorcycle.

"Really? I love it, well I love motos! Is that a YZF R-1?! It's so beautiful, omg I love the colour!" I say excited she smiles at my reaction and take a helmet. She gives one to me and take the other one.

She climbs on her bike and make me a sign to climb behind her. I smile and sit on the moto. She turns her head towards me and I nod.

"Hold tight Griffin" I do as she says and can feel her abs. I blush, thanks to the helmet she can't see my red cheeks.

She starts to drive and I feel free, the wind hitting me as she drives fast on the highway. I put my head on her back and close my eyes.

I feel someone shaking me a little "Clarke we're here" I groan and open my eyes. I smile when I make eyes contact with green ones. I look up and smile even more. She brought me to McDonald's.

We enter the small fast-food and order, the cashier eyes me up and down and I start to feel uncomfortable. Lexa tenses and sends him a death glare. He gulps and we leave to go sit at a table.

The lunch was really fun, we laughed and talked. At the end, she brought me home, and I hugged her thank you. She blushed and so did I.

I take my shower and put her hoodie back on me, I let myself fall onto my bed, taking in her scent and fall asleep with a big smile on my face. Forgetting about Raven, Monty, and possibly Bellamy.

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