Part XXV

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Clarke's POV

I'm pacing back and forth in the kitchen nervous as hell. Today is the day I'm singing the song to Lexa.

"Clarke calm down Lexa will love it, now can we go in the garage because Lexa is sitting all alone with Victoria" Octavia says. I nod and take a deep breath.

We make our way to the garage and head to our instrument. I look at Lexa who is looking at me with gleaming eyes and a big smile. I smile back at her and send her a kiss.

I look at Raven and nod, she smiles and start the beat. I look into Lexa's eyes and start to sing.

"I don't want to make a scene
I don't want to let you down
Try to do my own thing
And I'm starting to figure it out
That it's alright; keep it together
Wherever we go
And it's alright; oh well, whatever
Everybody needs to know
You might be crazy
Have I told you lately that I love you?
You're the only reason that I'm not afraid to fly
And it's crazy that someone could change me
Now, no matter what it is I have to do, I'm not afraid to try
And you need to know that you're the reason why
I don't even care
When they say you're a little bit off
Look 'em in the eye
I'd say, "I can never get enough"
'Cause it's alright; keep it together
Wherever we go
And it's alright; oh well, whatever
Everybody needs to know
You might be crazy
Have I told you lately that I love you?
You're the only reason that I'm not afraid to fly
And it's crazy that someone could change me
Now, no matter what it is I have to do, I'm not afraid to try
And you need to know that you're the reason why
If it was raining, you would yell at the sun
Pick up the pieces when the damage is done
You say it's just another day in the shade
But look at what a mess we made
You might be crazy
Have I told you lately that I love you?
You're the only reason that I'm not afraid to fly
And it's crazy that someone could change me
Now, no matter what it is I have to do, I'm not afraid to try
You might be crazy
Have I told you lately that I love you?
You're the only reason that I'm not afraid to fly
And it's crazy that someone could change me
Now, no matter what it is I have to do, I'm not afraid to try
And you need to know that you're the reason why"

The song finish and I'm smiling, her eyes her sparkling. She gets up from the couch and hug me, she swung us in circles and I laugh.

"Lex! stop!" I say giggling, she puts me down and kiss me. The band and Victoria cheer and I smile.

"I love you too Clarke" I hug her tighter and smile. We stay like this for a while and join everyone in the living room. I sit down and Victoria sits on my lap.

"It was amazing!" I smile and brush my hand in her hair messing up her hair a little. She groans which makes everyone laugh. She leaves my lap to go on Lincoln's"

"The betrayal.." I say joking. She laughs and ask if we can watch a tv show all together. We all nod and ask her what she wants to watch.

"The walking dead!" we all smile at her enthusiasm and put on the tv show. It's really gross, but I have Lexa to cuddle into so I'm not really watching it.

She smiles putting an arm around me and kissing my temple. "You're amazing babe, I love you" she says, I smile and kiss her.

"So are you, and I love you too" she smiles and go back to watching the show. I cringe when a zombie eat someone and put my head in Lexa's neck. She laughs and rub my back.

After watching 5 episodes we decide to go out. We change and jump in the car. Lincoln's driving.

"Beach or Zoo kids?" Lexa asks. Octavia, Raven, and Victoria look at each other and nod.

"ZOO!!" the three kids scream. We all laugh and Lincoln says "zoo it is". We drive for a while and finally arrive. The kids get out of the car and jump around.

"I LOVE ANIMALS!" Octavia says, I roll my eyes and chuckle. Lexa puts an arm around my shoulder, we pay and enter.

We start to walk around taking pictures of the animals and laughing at Raven's stupid jokes. We are stop by a group of teenagers.

"Hey are you guys TonDc?" we nod our head and smile at them.

"We love what y'all doing but being gay is a sin" I roll my eyes and laugh. Everyone is looking at me frowning.

"And being so stupid is a crime" Lexa snorts, the rest erupt in laughter, but the dude and his little puppet.

"Zach shut up, it's not a sin leave them alone" well maybe there's one person with a brain in their group.

Lexa starts to laugh and says "I just thought of a meme, it's: all this time Jesus wasn't saying Amen, but ah men" we laugh at that, even the girl who defended us.

Zach or whatever his name is roll his eyes and leave. The girl stays and talk to us. "I'm sorry for my brother he is a dick, you are all doing an amazing job, and you I don't think I ever saw you" she says pointing to Victoria.

"No we are sorry you have to deal with him, I'm Victoria I'm 16 and I'm not a part of their band, just a..friend" the girl smiles and extends her arm for Victoria to shake.

"I'm Emilie Grace, I'm 17 nice to meet you all" we say hi and she asks for an autograph, at first we are kinda shock, we sign her phone case and she turns around to leave.

"Wait! hum can I have your number? you know to hum keep in touch?" I raise an eyebrow at Victoria and smirk.

Emilie smiles and gives her phone to Victoria, she puts her number in Emilie's cellphone and give it back to her. "I'll text you" they smile at each other and Emilie leaves.

"Wow Vic, congrats" she blushes, we 'aww' at her and we engulf her in a big hug.

Well it was really fun.

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