Part XV

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Lexa's POV

Clarke fell asleep on my shoulder, but I really need to pee and I don't want to wake her up! Dammit.

I start to move a little, to let her know I want to get up, but when I start to get to the left of the seat, Clarke start to fall, I yelp and put my hands on her body. She groans and her eyes open a little.

I give her an innocent smile and she falls back asleep with her head against the window. Damn that was fast. I get up and walk to the back of the plane, to the bathroom.

I do my business and feel the plane shaking. Huh is that normal. I shake my head and wash my hands, when I feel another shake. Okay that's not normal. I go back to my place.

The seatbelt sign start to flash on the screen in front of us, and I start to panic, are we gonna crash? I put my seatbelt on and shake Clarke's up.

"Clarke! put your seatbelt on there's something wrong with the plane!" I start to cry, Clarke puts her seatbelt on and take my hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as we are flying above the states, the weather changed, it started to pour and a lightning hit the plane, we lost all control of it, if you have family with you right now, tell them you love them" the pilote says.

The passengers start to get all crazy. I can't lose my family now, I just got them. Clarke, Octavia, Raven, Lincoln, Anya. Anya my sister.

I turn around in my seat and scream "ANYA! I LOVE YOU!" She screams it back. I cry and hold Clarke. She looks at me and tears roll down her cheeks.

"I love you Clarke, don't forget that okay? I'll always be with you, I love you so much, you let my walls down.."

She cuts me off by pressing her lips against mine. The kiss is salty because of our tears, but right now I don't care, her lips on mine feels so good. I kiss her back.

"I love you too Lexa, so much" I kiss her again, I'll miss those. Suddenly the plane crash into a mountain.

All I can see is black, I'm knock out. I can still I still alive or is it the process of death. I feel someone shaking my shoulder.

"Lexa..Lexa.Lexa! wake up please we are here" I open my eyes and realized we are at the airport. I look around me and all the passengers are getting out of the plane. No one is injured, I frown.

"ANYA!" I start to cry and Clarke put her hands on my shoulders, she looks at me worried and confused.

"They all are out of the plane, they ask me to wake you up, you were sleeping, it's just a dream Lexa, you're okay" she says

I hug her and take in her scent. "I thought I'd lost you, I was so scared" she hugs me back just as tight.

"I'm here I'm not gone, I'll never leave you, okay?" I nod and let go of her. I wipe my tears and get out of the plane with Clarke.

When I see Anya, I run to her and hug her. She hugs me back and I can feel her being all confuse. I let go of the hug and hug Octavia, Raven, and I finish with Lincoln.

"I love y'all guys" I say, they all look at me confused and worried. Then they start to smile, and they all say I love you back.

I pull Clarke in a hug again, I don't want to let go. It was just a dream Lexa. I start to shake and Clarke hold me tight.

"What happened Lexa? what got you like this, talk to me" I look at Clarke and nod, I start to tell everything. From the bathroom to the crash.

She takes my hand in hers "and we hum..we kinda hum..kiss" she looks at me with a smile and start to laugh. I join her laugh and she hugs me.

"Feel my heartbeats, I'm still there, like I told you, I'll never leave you, never" she grabs my hand and bring it to her chest. I can feel her heart, he is beating fast. I smile, because mine is doing the same.

We make our way to take our baggages, we wait for them for at least thirty minutes, when we see them we start to jump and rush to them.

I take my case and Clarke's. She smiles and thanks me. I smile back and we get out of the airport.

Wow Portland is beautiful. We call two cabs, because we won't get in one. When the cabs arrive, we separate. Anya,Raven,Clarke and I in one. Octavia and Lincoln in the other.

Before we left Washington, we looked for some house. We all put some money on it.

We arrive to the house and we all let out a wow. This house is bigger than the pictures we saw. I won't even be surprised if there was some secrets rooms.

We enter the house and smile

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We enter the house and smile. There's one bathroom, a living room, a kitchen, and three rooms plus one guest room, so this is perfect.

"Okay so this is easy, there's three room, so how it gonna works is simple. Anya and Raven in one, Lincoln and Octavia in one, then Lexa and I in the last room". We all nod and blush.

We all go our separate ways to our room. Clarke and I enter it and smile. The view is beautiful. Clarke let her fall on the bed and sigh happily.

I smile at her and go on the balcony. I feel two arms wrap around my torso and smile. I press my back further into Clarke.

"So, how was our first kiss" I laugh and she does the same. I turn around in her arms and smile.

"Salty but really good" I wink and she blushes. She then roll her eyes playfully and I hug her.

"Come on a date with me" Clarke says, I pull back and look at her a little bit shocked. I open my mouth but no words want to come out. "It's okay if you don't want, hum I get it" she turns around to leave, but I grab her wrist.

"I'd love to go on a date with you, Clarke" she smiles and I smile back. She leaves and I jump around on the balcony with a big smile on my face.

It will be the best date of her life! I'll make sure of it.

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