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* Just before I start to write this chapter: I want to thank SkyPrincessCamren TIMETOLIVE1 and TobinGZall for their help. So thank you and enjoy!

Lexa's POV

I wake up once again in my favorite blonde's arms. I smile and stretch my limbs. My back pop and I cringe. I hear Clarke's groans and let out a chuckle.

I look into my dresser and take a hoodie and a jogger. I make my way downstairs to the kitchen and smile at the view in front of me. Raven and Anya are on the couch sleeping all tangled together.

Octavia and Lincoln are on the loveseat sleeping. I open the fridge and take eggs, bacon and something to make pancakes.

I start to cook and it smells really good. I feel two arms around and try to get away from them.

"What the heck Raven get away from me!" she laughs and I roll my eyes. She kisses my cheek and I push her off. We laugh and hear a voice from the stairs.

"Oh what did I miss?" Clarke says, I put my hand on my head and let out a sigh. She laughs and walk to me. She hugs me and I smile.

"Eww stop! we don't want your germs on our breakfast!" Lincoln says when he enters the kitchen. Clarke and I laugh and let go from each other.

Lincoln make his way toward me and kiss my cheek. "OMG, what is it with y'all!" they all laugh and shrug. I roll my eyes playfully and put the food in plates.

Octavia and Anya come into the kitchen five minutes later. They come to me and kiss my cheek.

"Ok now, for real what's the matter! did I do something!" I ask really confused. They shake their head no and start to eat.

I start to eat and they are all looking at me with puppy dog eyes. I stop what I am doing and raise an eyebrow at them "what?"

"Lexa" Clarke says with a little voice. Oh no, that's not good. I nod my head and listen "we all know you can sing really well, so we want to go to a karaoke" I start to cough, and shake my head no.

They all pout and say in unison "pleeeaase" I bite my lips and sigh. I love to sing but not in front of a lot of people. I pursed my lips and let out a defeated "okay fine" they all cheer and Clarke come to me kissing my cheek.

"Thank you!" she whispers something after this "we'll sing together" I smile and nod my head.

"Jeez Clarke what did you say to make Lexa all happy like this" Octavia says, Clarke winks at her and says "you'll see babe". Normally I would be jealous, but it's her best friend so I let it go.

"I'll see or I'll hear?" Octavia says laughing at her dirty comment, I shake my head blushing.

"Both" Clarke reply back. I cough and put both of my hands on my face. Clarke laughs and hug me from behind and kiss my lips chastely.

We all leave the kitchen to get ready. I go into my room and lay down in the bed. I decide to stay how I'm dressed and it's not like I'll flirt with someone. I have no one to impress.

Clarke enters the room and go to our dresser. I smile at what she takes. She turns around to face me and ask "is that okay? I can take my clothes if you want"

I look at her and shake my head "no, keep that I'd love to see you wear a hoodie with my last name on it" she blushes which makes me smile wider than I already was.

She goes to the bathroom and come back with my hoodie and some ripped jeans. I smile and get up of the bed.

"You're beautiful Clarke" she blushes and smile at me. I smile back and kiss her lips. I'm obsessed with her lips. They taste really good. We kiss for a while and let go because we needed air.

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