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1 year later

Lexa's POV

"Clarke?" I turn around in the bed "NO CLARKE!" I jolt awake all sweaty and breathing heavily. I brush my hand in my hair and sigh.

"Babe its alright, I'm here, just breathe" I nod as tears rush down my cheeks. She sits on the bed and bring me with her. I sit on her lap, putting my chin on her shoulder, she puts her head in my neck. She holds me tight as I'm sobbing.

"Wanna talk about it baby?" I shake my head yes and she rubs my back. I sniff a little and start to explain.

"Instead of my dad it was you, we were driving and I lost control of the car, you started to scream, we flipped over a couple of times, than we were knocked out, when I became conscious again I looked at you, you were so pale I tried to feel your pulse but there wasn't, you were dead and I couldn't do anything" I start to cry again and she rubs my back.

"It's okay baby, I'm here with you, I love you" I hug her tightly not wanting to let go of her. I put my hand on her chest to feel her heartbeat, trying to match mine with hers.

"I love you too, so much" she smiles and kiss my neck. I start to breathe heavily at the contact.

"We'll try to sleep okay?" she says, I nod and get off of her lap. I lay down in the bed and open my arms for her to cuddle into me. She smiles and lay down next to me, putting her arms around my torso and her head on my shoulder.

I kiss her forehead and close my eyes. I wake up to small kisses all over my face but my lips, I frown and open my eyes, I push her off of me and she falls on the ground.

"What the heck Raven!" she was laughing really hard, I start to giggle and Clarke starts to wake up.

"What's going on here?" Raven was still laughing I turn around in the bed to face Clarke and tell her what Reyes did. She starts to laugh and I pout.

"Aww come on baby, I know you thought it was me" I roll my eyes and smile. Clarke's put herself on me and kiss me.

"Woah let me out of here, well you know what never mind I'll watch" she says sitting on the floor and putting her back on the wall.

Clarke rolls her eyes and roll down off of me. Raven groans and leaves our room. I smile and look at Clarke.

"Are you feeling better?" she asks, I nod my head and put my arms around Clarke. She grins and put her head in my neck.

"I could stay here all day" Clarke nods and she starts to place small kisses in my neck. I'm trying my best to not let a moan escape, I bite my lips and grab the sheets tightly with my hand.

"Babe, stop" she whines and get up from the bed. My phone ding and my eyes widen, I never thought she would text me.

Tobs ⚽️
Hey, it's Tobin the girls and I were wondering if you all wanted to go to the karaoke bar, it could be fun, sorry it's been a year with the season it was hard to find a place.

I replied a quick answer and smile. "Babe, the Thorns want to go to the karaoke what do you say?" I already said yes, oops?

"Huh yeah sure we can go I'll let the group know" I nod and she kisses me chastely.

I change my pyjama for a flannel and ripped jeans. I go downstairs and start to make breakfast for everyone. Suddenly a pair of arms is wrap around me. I put my hands on the person's hands.

"I swear if it's Raven.." the person starts to laugh and I smile. I could recognize this laugh everywhere.

"No babe it's not Raven" I turn my head towards my girlfriend and kiss her chastely. Once everything is ready, I put the eggs, the bacon and the hash browns in plates.

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