Part III

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Clarke's POV

"Griffin, we need to leave the town now and you know it! The FBI will find us" I look into his eyes and laugh.

"Bellamy if you don't trust Raven,Monty, your own sister, and I, you can leave or what just go to the FBI and tell them what we did! Maybe you'll be safe after telling the truth!" I snap at him, he's being so stupid right now.

"Baby I'm sorry, I do trust you, it's just.." I cut him before he finished his sentence. Hatred in my eyes.

"Don't baby me! We are not together anymore it was a mistake!" I leave him alone in my house. I seriously need a drink.

Raven and Monty were two of the best hackers. With what we had to do last night, they were a big help. The brother of the president had killed my dad 5 years ago. I had to take my revenge by killing one of the person he loves the most.

But I decided to just scared them. The bomb was fake. I knew the bomb wasn't going to explode. Raven and Monty made sure of it. I didn't want to kill anyone. The FBI was still on us, because we were consider as a 'treat'.

I call Octavia to let her know we'll stay here for a while. She was okay with it, because she trusts me and the others. I walk around the little town and stop in front of the FBI building.

A brunette get out of the building and-wow. She is absolutely beautiful. I need to follow her, maybe..even flirt with her. She's probably straight though.

I call Raven "Griffin, wassup why you calling" I laughed a little at how she greet me. Always Reyes.

"Look, I'm in front of the FBI building, and there's a beautiful girl who just left, should I follow her?" I ask unsure about what should I do.

"If she's from the FBI you need to follow her, we need informations about what they are doing in there" she says pretty confident, I'm sure she's even smiling.

"Got it Reyes, she's mine, I'll text you when I'll have what we need" with that I hang up the phone and follow the girl.

After walking at least for ten minutes, she stopped at a park. I look at her, she sits on one of the swing chairs, smoking a cigarette. Tears rolling down her cheeks.

I approach her slowly, not wanting to scare her. I sit down next to her, swinging slightly back and forth. I look over at her and notice her features. Her jaw, her red cheeks. Her green eyes.

"You good, what's going on in this little head of yours huh?" way to go Griffin. Now she'll think you're crazy and she won't talk to you. She let out a small laugh and start to talk.

"We've been fooled. Twice. I can't believe it, the best unit of the FBI, getting fooled by amateurs!" she laugh and cry at the same time.

"Oh so it's confidential then?" I look at her and she offers me a smile, I ask her for a cigarette and she gives me one. I thanked her and start smoking.

"It's not that confidential, my uncle is the president, and some people put a fake bomb into the White House, scaring the shit outta me, you know. My dad passed away, my uncle is the only one I have. If it was a real bomb, I would be all alone". She says crying silently.

"Wait you're the niece of the president?" she nods her head. Shit I thought the brother's president was alive!

"Can I-hum know how he passed away? Or no don't answer, you don't know me it's probably too much to ask" she gives me a small smile and answer me.

"No it's good, my father passed away in a car crash, I was in the car with him, we were supposed to go to the cinema, and an idiot ran a red light. Crashing in my dad's car. Killing him instantly. I was still awake, I remember screaming 'Dad, Dad wake up', but he never did"

"I'm sorry.." I was waiting for her name, I can't use her, she went through a lot already I can't do that.

"Lexa" she extends her hand and I take it shaking her hand. She smile and I tell her my name in return.

"I'm Clarke" we make small talk until late. It was now 10 pm and I have to meet with Octavia and Raven.

"May we meet again Clarke" I give her a smile and leave the park it was time to go to my house. I take my phone and text the girls to come at my place.

Once at my home, I lay down on the couch, opening the tv. 15 minutes later, there was a knock on my door.

"Enter!" I scream, knowing it was Rae and O. They enter my little apartment, approaching me and kissing my cheek. I put a hand in my hair and sigh.

"I can't do that, not to her. Did you both know that her father died! If we hadn't make a fake bomb we would have kill the last person in her family! She would have been alone!"

They look shock as tears were rolling down my cheeks "she's amazing girls, we can't do that anymore, I'm giving up". Raven get up off the couch, upset.

"Griffin! You can't give up, we need those informations! we need to know what they are looking for or we'll get caught!" she's right, but Lexa was the first human to make me feel me again.

I sigh and my cellphone starts to ring. I look at it and roll my eyes when Bellamy's name show up on the screen, I picked up the phone "what do you want Blake?"

"Hello to you too, open the tv post 4" and with that he hang up. I take the remote and put the tv on the post he said to go. Lexa was in front of the White House.

"I'm Lexa Woods, I'm working for the FBI, we caught a guy this afternoon, John Murphy, we asked him some questions about the bomb in the White House, no one has to worry, it was a fake bomb. We are now looking for a Monty Green and 4 more persons. Mr.Murphy is now in custody, thank you".

Shit. Monty. I take the first thing I saw, which was a mug, and throw it on the wall.

"We need to leave the town, my brother told you this morning! They will catch us if we don't move" I look at Octavia and sigh.

"THEN LEAVE! If this is what you all want! I won't leave, I CAN'T NOW! So if you want to leave I'm not holding you" she shake her head and leave my house. I sit down on the couch and Raven put an arm around my waist.

She kissed my cheek and left my house. I cried myself to sleep. I messed up this time and now I can't go back. Sorry Lexa. I can't sleep. I call Monty.

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