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Stiles got to Derek's loft early so they could spend some time alone before the rest of the pack got there. They knew they didn't have too much time as most of the wolves had stopped knocking when they showed up. Stiles attacked Derek the moment the door opened. Derek caught him and hoisted him up as Stiles wrapped his legs around his boyfriend's waist. 

"Hi," Derek mumbled against his lips, not hating Stiles's choice of greeting. 

"Hey," He replied. Derek knew as soon as the pack arrived, he had to keep his distance from Stiles. This meant that until then, he wanted the least amount of distance as possible. Stiles was pressed up against a wall as Derek's lips trailed down his neck. Stiles's hands ran through Derek's hair. 

"God this is going to be hard," Derek muttered into Stiles's skin.

"Seems like something already is." Stiles teased earning a low growl. "Oh don't be like that Sourwolf. You love me." 

"I do." Stiles's eyes widened as he realized what they had both just said. Derek realized as well and lowered Stiles to his feet.

"You what?" Stiles breathed out, shocked by Derek's confession. 

"I-" The loft door opened at the worst possible time as Scott came in with Allison and Isaac. Derek backed away and Stiles stared at him as he greeted the three of them. 

"Since when are you punctual?" Scott asked pulling his best friend into a hug.

"Since Lydia told me the wrong time." Stiles lied, glancing at Derek over Scott's shoulder.

"Is she here?" Scott looked around for the banshee.

"No, she's getting a ride with Jackson and the twins." Stiles shrugged as Scott and Allison made eye-contact with each other. 

"She's getting a ride with two of her exes?" Allison pointed out, questioning Stiles's intentions.

"I guess." He didn't see it as a huge deal but he also wasn't actually dating Lydia. He wouldn't be thrilled if Derek was hanging around his exes but that was more because they were psychotic. Malia and Kira were the next to show up closely followed by Boyd and Erica. The other four were the last to show up. Lydia kicked off her shoes and pressed a kiss to Stiles's cheek before greeting everyone else. 

"What are we watching?" Malia asked as they all settled around the living room area. Stiles had convinced Derek to buy furniture so they had somewhere to spend time together. Derek had initially been against the idea but the boy had been extremely persuasive. 

Stiles wrapped his arm around Lydia trying to ignore the low growl from Derek who was sitting on the other side. Allison and Scott were cuddling on the love seat with a slightly annoyed Isaac sitting beside them. Jackson sat next to Lydia with Ethan on the armrest. Halfway through whatever movie they picked he would end up on Jackson's lap as everyone else tried to ignore them. Boyd and Erica were on a large bean bag also being ignored by the group. Malia took up the armchair despite Kira's attempts to share it leaving Aiden and Kira sitting on cushions on the floor. 

Halfway through the movie, Stiles disappeared, returning with a large blanket he had swiped off of Derek's bed. He tossed it to Lydia who had been cold and she smiled in gratitude. He took his spot back and Lydia draped the blanket across them. The blanket covered on of Derek's leg causing him to glance over to where they were cuddling. Lydia's head was resting on Stiles's shoulder. 

Stiles tensed when he felt a hand on his knee. He glanced at Derek out of the corner of his eye to find him intently watching the movie. Stiles dropped his hand on top of where it was, the blanket being the only thing keeping them apart. He could tell by the tight grip that Derek was getting jealous so Stiles scooted slightly closer. Lydia bit her lip to hold back the smile as she sensed what they were doing. 

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