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"How long have you been cheating on Stiles?" Malia asked as Kira pulled out of the Eichen house parking lot. 

"Malia-" Kira warned, exasperated.

"I'm not cheating on Stiles." 

"You're obviously banging Officer Jordan." Malia countered, turning to face Lydia who sat in the backseat. 

"I am not." 

"You're lying," Malia growled, narrowing her eyes.

"How do you know him?" Kira asked instead, trying not to accuse Lydia without the facts. 

"I've gone to the station with Stiles a few times. Jordan is almost always there." Lydia told them, not quite lying. "Though I'm not sure how that's any of your business." 

"You know I never really believed he was with Derek." Kira stated with a light laugh, trying to diffuse the tension as Malia stared Lydia down. "It just seemed so unnatural." Kira reached over and lightly tapped Malia's arm warning her to back off. 

"Why would they lie?"

"Because he's banging you and doesn't want anyone to know." Lydia rolled her eyes at Malia's accusation. 

"Please, if anyone was banging me they'd want everyone to know." She scoffed, using her confidence to cover up her lies. 

"Maybe high school boys. Not men." Kira pointed out, not wanting to take either side in this argument but finding herself curious about the relationship between Lydia and Jordan. 

"This is ridiculous. With that logic you might as well say I'm sleeping with Derek." 

"Are you?" Malia narrowed her eyes at the redhead. 

"No!" She practically shouted. "Turn here." They were driving to Stiles' to check up on him. 

"We're sorry. It's none of our business." Kira sighed following Lydia's directions toward the Stilinski's residence. 

"If you hurt Stiles I'll rip your throat out  with my teeth." 

"I don't know how we didn't figure out you were a Hale sooner." Lydia grumbled, rolling her eyes. As they approached Stiles', they noticed the lack of jeep in the driveway. "I'm going to kill him." She mumbled under her breath. 

"I thought he was on bed rest." 

"He's supposed to be." Lydia nodded, staring blankly ahead. "Do you think you could sniff him out?" 

"What you want me to stick my head out the window as we drive?" Malia frowned.

"It's worked for Scott." Lydia shrugged. 

As Malia started to direct them toward the preserve, Lydia felt an awful feeling in her gut. Something was seriously wrong. 

"STILES!" Lydia screeched causing Kira to swerve to the side of the road. Malia covered her ears, wincing at the volume of Lydia's scream. Both girls in the front turned to face the banshee. Lydia's eyes were filled with tears and fear was emanating off of her. 

"What's wrong?" Kira asked.

"Is Stiles okay?" Malia added. Lydia shook her head, a choked sob getting caught in her throat. 

"Drive. Fast." 

Derek's howl had knocked the pack and the berserkers to their knees. Scott was the quickest to recover, tackling one of the berserkers to the ground and yanking off the mask. 

"Scott you have to go to Derek." Isaac urged knowing only one thing that would cause Derek so much pain. "We can get the last one." 

"I'm not leaving you guys." 

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