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Bailey ran into Cassie's room, excitement in each step as she ran over to her sisters bed and started to jump on it to wake her up. Cassie groaned and rubbed her eyes when she realized it was her sister that was disturbing her.

"Bailey... go away." Cassie groaned in attempts to go back to sleep but bailey was persistent. She pulled the covers off her.

" Wake... up... Cassie. Do you know what day it is?" Bailey asked as she lied down next to her.

" Um... friday?" She groaned as she reached for her blankets and pulled them back up.

" Of course its friday... but something else is happening today."

" The Particle accelerator is being turned on today." She remembered as she shot up from her sleeping position. She grabbed her phone of her bed side too check the time. The background was a recent picture of her, Bailey, Luisa and Emaline eating big belly burger that Mrs Ramon was kind enough to take for them.

It was time for them to get up so the two girls quickly showered and got dressed. Bailey wore a blue hoodie, leggings and white sneakers. Cassie decided to go with a pair of mom jeans, her orange sweater and her combat boots. Cassie held her hair in a low pony while Bailey left her hair down with her natural curls. The two girls never really wore that much make up. Just enough to make it through the day.

The two sisters skipped down the stairs for breakfast.

" Morning girls." Joe greeted the two as they sat on the table.

" Morning dad." They both said at the same time.

Since Cassie's father was in prison since she was a baby. She grew up calling Joe dad.

" Morning Iris." Cassie greeted as she saw her come down the stairs.

" Wheres Barry?" Bailey asked her big sister.

" Late as usual." Cassie stated bluntly, as everyone chuckled and looked at her.

" What. Am I wrong?"

Eventually Barry came down stairs and they all enjoyed their breakfast together.


Luisa ran up behind Bailey and Cassie who were walking towards Emaline and hooked her arms behind on their shoulders.

" Buenos dias mis amigas." Lu greeted with a smile on her face.

" Today we will witness one of the biggest breakthroughs in Science history." Emaline chirped as she joined her friends.

Emaline had only been in Central City for a few weeks but it felt like she had known these girls forever.

" Today the world gets so...so much better." Luisa added.

The girls walked to their locker and Cassie noticed a picture on her door that she hadn't taken down yet. It was of her oldest friends, some she considers enemies now.

Venus, Adira, Ashton, Luisa, Hannah, Xander, Giovana, Jake, Leo, Alex,Cassie and Bailey were at the beach. The same beach they had been going to since the beginning of middle school. The gorgeous Californian beaches and lucky for the Luisa's abuela, Xiomara owned a holiday home not to far from there. She would take them on a road trip down their every summer where they would stay for 3 weeks.

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