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The four teens made it to the Bunker and didn't expect to find Gia and Adira in the training room.

" Hey guys what are you doing here?" Luisa asked the two girls.

"I'm blowing some steam." Gia said going back to boxing.

" I'm doing some extra training" Adira mumbled.

Bailey noticed her weird Expression and walked off to talk to her. Meanwhile Luisa, Xander and Ashton took a seat in front of some monitors.

" Hey D what's going?" Bailey asked shyly.

" What do you mean West?" Adira questioned while shooting arrows at tennis balls.

" I just noticed that you don't seem...well" Bailey started.

" In my normal good but brooding state?" Adira questioned pulling back the arrow and releasing it getting another perfect shot.

" Yeah well sort off. You just seem off today. Is everything ok?" Bailey asked again with her voice laced with concern that made Adira pull down her bow and arrow.

" Its my sister."

" What's going on with Valerie?" Bailey asked as she motioned for Adira to take a seat next to her on the stairs.

" The Undertaking happened because of Valerie's father in Law, Malcom Merlyn. He caused an earthquake in the glades 7 months ago, the day Tommy died. Apparently he's dead too. And ever since people have been hunting Valerie down. I mean Malcome got a lot of people killed and the closest person to a Merlyn alive is." Adira started...

" Val and Oakley." Bailey stated as Adira gulped.

" I'm really scared, I mean Alex hasn't left the house for days, he hasn't slept either. She's been staying with us for the past few days until she gets her own place. He's literally been staying up all night with a shotgun."

" So you're sister moved here because it seems safer?"

" Yep. Hey you have powers right?" Adira asked the tanned girl.

" Well I have telekinesis and empathetic abilities but that's beside the point...I do." Bailey stuttered.

" Can I count on you for extra backup or help or....whatever never mind I'll do it myself." Adira concluded before trying to walk away before Bailey grabed her wrist and pulled her back.

" Adira of course I will help. You're still my friend. Despite Cassie being mad at all of your asses I won't let anything happen to Valerie or Oakley." Bailey assured before Adira pulled her into a hug.

This shocked Bailey for a second but she hugged back. Adira wasn't that much of a hugger but in this case she was.

" Thank you so much." Adira thanked still in the hug.

" Of course, I know how important family is and you're family which makes you important to me." Bailey concluded as they went to join the others by the monitors.

" So what have you guys got so far?" Bailey asked leaning over Luisas shoulder, looking into the screen.

" We just got in!" Ashton celebrated as he high fives the Hispanic girl.

Luisa projected the footage files onto the the computer table and they all went to stand around it.

" Okay look for yesterday's footage." Ashton told her.

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