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Gia, Emma, Hanna, Leo and Jake were currently in the lounging in the library doing some homework while silently chatting away.

"Pshht." Alex called from behind one of the bookshelves, getting their attention.

The group of teen snuck over to where Alex was and quickly sat down.

" Guys. What the Hell is Lukas Snart doing back here?" Alex whisper yelled.

"We don't know!" Gia responded in a whisper too.

"According to Lu and Addy Lukas got into this black van and drove out the city. The tracker stopped working just outside of Keystone." Emma stated.

" We need to figure out why he's back. Wait where are the others?" Alex questioned.

" They're at AP Chem and Physics. Well they do take all the AP classes so..." Gia told them.

" Great so we've established that we are the dumbasses of the group." Jake complained.

" Maybe you guys are but Emma, Gia and I take AP Bio and Math so you guys are the dumbasses not us." Hanna responded with a harsh tone.

" Nevermind that. If Lukas is back that means something is going to happen. And we need to figure out what." Leo reminded the group of teens.

" Wait, he's a Snart right." Alex asked.

" Of course it's in the name idiot." Gia snapped making Alex role his eyes.

" What if his siblings are back?" Jake theorized.

"As in Leonard and Lisa Snart, 2 world renowned theifs?" Hanna whispere yelled in panic.

" yep. As far is I know their dad is still in prison." Gia commented.

" They usually return every 6 months, the last time was in June when they stole this painting from the Central City Museum. And probably sold it on the Black Market for like a couple hundred million dollars." Jake stated as he took out his phone.

He quickly went to google and typed in Montgomery Diamond.

" Just like I suspected." He mumbled to himself.

" What?" Leo asked the dark skinned boy.

" They're here for the same thing Lukas was here for the first time." He responded as he showed the group his phone.

" But theres another show casing happening on Saturday morning. They wouldn't attack in broad daylight. That's insane." Gia whisper shouted once more.

" Well they're going too. In a place filled with people in their fancy pants jewelry and clothes. They won't just take that diamond, they'll rob everyone there too." Emma said as she realized the situation.

The bell rang indicating that school was over and the teens quickly stood up, grabbed their bags and went their separate directions to their clubs or home.


It had been a few hours since school ended and the teens were now in the Bunker training while some of the others went to patrol the city.

" Guys we think we may have figured out why Lukas is back." Alex spoke grabbing everyone's attention.

" We all know the famous Montgomery Diamond? Well Hanna and I were doing some digging and we found something." He started as he swiped up on the iPad he was holding sending it to the large screen in front of them.

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