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A month later and the team was doing better than ever. Cassie's plan worked perfectly, the bonded once again and they were currently doing a training drill.

Things had been going a lot better, except the fact that Luisa hadn't gone into the field since she got shot. She didn't want to and decided to stay on comns for a while with Alex, Leo, Jake and Vince.

They had all gotten their code names, credits to to the amazing Luisa. Ashton was known as Shifter, Adira was known as Shikari and Venus was known as Atlas.

The media hadn't really given them a name. There wasn't really a name to give, because whenever saved victims made a statement. The police said it was just a figment of their imagination.

But they were real. The people knew it, the police just didn't want to. The changes that Central City had experienced had put most people in shock I.e the cops.

But what could they do. If they confronted the cops if the CCPD they would just arrest them.

So the did what they had to. Protect their city in the shadows.

Luisa may have not been out in the field but some if the things she had been doing were making the suits, weapons and most importantly the dampeners.

After the whole Snart incident she had to find a way to modify her mistake and she did. So she made the metas of the team accessories with little chips that dampened their powers.

Those would become extremely useful since they were starting their final semester of Sophomore year the following day.

Cassie and Giovana had getting along like it was middle school again, giggling and gossiping like the two longtime friends should.

" Guys. Let's come together for a moment." Luisa called as her, Leo, Jake, Vince and Alex made their way to the training room.

" What's up?" Cassie asked.

" The boys and I have been talking and we've come to the conclusion that we should go back to our separate groups at school." Luisa said before everyone started to grunt and grumble.

" Guys just listen for a minute. How suspicious is it going to look if we all started talking again. It will look extremely weird." Leo started

" So we think it's best that we keep our distance like we used to. But if they're emergencies then we'll just talk after school and all our clubs you know." Jake finished and a few if the metas nodded in understanding.

Since they were going back to school, there would obviously be clubs that each if them were in so they had decided that if you don't have clubs then just come to the Bunker and do some training or go look around the city.

A few hours later they had finished training and were starting to go home. Luisa was packing up her things when she noticed that Ashton was still there, leaning against one of the pillars, watching her.

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