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The team had been talking for a little longer before Cassie suggested they go play in the snow. They all ran outside and jumped into the fluffy feather bed. They lied down and started making snow angels, laughter erupting in the air.

It was cold yes, but did they care? No. All they wanted to do was have fun.

They had split into groups and started making Snow men, forts you name it they did it. They ended up making a couple snow men and a fortress and smiled at their work.

Out of nowhere felt something soft and cold hit the back of her neck. She furrowed her eyebrows looking around, trying to find who threw that snow ball at her. Then she spotted Hanna hiding behind a small mountain of snow and smirked as she made one of her own and threw it at her hitting her on her leg.

She did the same and threw it at Cassie but she ducked down before it hit her, hitting Leo instead.

" Oh it's on!" He cried before throwing a snow ball back to Hanna, then Hanna to Cassie and Cassie tried to hit Leo but he dodged it and it hit Xander instead. A few seconds later they all found themselves in a snow fight, diving and ducking to avoid getting hit.

Luisa and Bailey had the idea to form snowballs with their powers and shooting them off in multiple directions hitting most of them.

" Hey no fair!" Gia complained.

" a
All's fair in Snow war!" Luisa clapped
As she shot more snowballs to her friend's.

Laughs and smiles filled their air as snowballs were thrown in multiple directions.


The snow fight continued for a couple more minutes until the group got tired and went inside and got some more hot cocoa, blankets and sat on the sofa's.

" One more thing before this afternoon ends... The Breakfast Club." Cassie said enthusiastically while holding up the DVD.

The Breakfast Club was the teams favorite movie to watch together. It had been quite sometime since they had watched it all together.

" Its extra special today because our dear Emaline hasn't watched this piece of art yet " Cassie stated as she put the DVD into the player and pressed play, the rest of the team gave assurances that she would enjoy the movie.


Just over an hour later they had finished the movie. They decided to stay a little longer and play some board games and were currently playing an intense game of monopoly.

Cassie left the group to refill her hot cocoa when she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around to find a nervous Giovana Diggle with a small smile holding her warm mug of hot cocoa.

" Can we talk now?" Giovana requested as she fiddled with her fingers on her mug.

" yeah sure of course." Cassie answered as her and Gia put their mugs on the island.

"I'm sorry." They apologized and chuckled when they realized that they both said it.

" I'll go first." Gia offered before taking a deep breathe.

" I'm sorry for what I said about your dad killing your mom. I know you know he didn't do it and I do too. I'm sorry for being such a hard team mate to work with but most importantly I'm sorry for being a bad friend. This past year I've been such a bitch." Gia started as she laughed a bit on the last part as Cassie did too.

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