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It was the day of the heist and the team had been on alert more that usual because they knew that they had to be.

School the last few days was a little different, a couple students from multiple grades hadn't shown up the entire week and people had been acting like nothing had happen the previous month.

Luisa had been rather alert, more than usual. Ever since she locked eyes with Lukas the day he came back all she felt was chills running down her spine and she found herself touching the place where he shot her.

Recently the Wests had agreed to let Star Labs nurse Barry back to health. It was hard for Cassie to see her brother in that hospital bed, constantly flatlining then coming back. It terrified the blonde. But she kept on a happy face for her friends but Xander, Gia and Bailey could see right through her.

Luisa would've been able to notice but she had been distracted with her own problems

There was an incident a few days ago where Xander and Cassie were studying in the Library and she had blanked out for a second and was thinking about her brother again. Xander noticed and asked what was wrong and she shook it off as if it was nothing. He asked if she was sure and she told him yes she was ok.

A few minutes later they had finished studying and they had gone their separate ways when Xander realized that he forgot something in his locker so he went back for it when he found Cassie on a call with Iris telling her that there weren't any changes in Barry's condition.

He heard the conversation and saw her silently breakdown by her locker.

"Cas?" He said softly putting his hand on her shoulder.

She then slid her back down against the lockers to the ground as she hugged her knees as she cried into them. Xander immediately dropped his stuff to the ground before pulling the girl into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder and put her head on his shoulder and cried softly. His one hand laid on her waist holding her protectively as the other found its was to her head as he stroked her hair.

"I'm...so scared Xan" she sobbed.

"He's going to be okay. I know it. Your brothers a fighter."

"How do you that?" She asked the boy with as she looked up at him with her glossy eyes.

"Because I know you and you're a fighter and I'm pretty sure it runs in the family." He said making Cassie chuckle slightly.

"You should smile more, it suits you. Come on let's go get ice cream before we go to the Bunker." Xander complemented making her cheeks heat up and a weird feeling in her stomach before she brushed it off.

The two stood up and walked out the school, linking arms. Little did Cassie know that they both felt that feeling that day.


The team was currently preparing for the stake out by the museum. They discovered that the moment the exhibit ended security was going to take it to the airport for it to be taken to London, so during the exhibit was the best chance for the Snarts to strike.

"Be careful out there, don't forget the codenames and we'll brief you guys if anything happens. Good luck." Giovana told the group.

She still hadn't gone out into the field yet despite Cassie's motivations, she felt she would help more with comns.

They all held hands as Luisa teleported them to their stations. Adira, Xander, Cassie and Bailey were on the building across from the museum and Ashton, Hanna and Venus were on the museum roof. They used the lenses in the masks that Luisa had upgraded the other day to scan the area for anything suspicious.

They had been waiting for a few hours for anything to happen and so far all they had seen was people going in and out of the museum.

"Guys we've got movement." Luisa said from the Bunker, she saw men dressed in black with guns and balaclavas enter through the back entrance.

They all immediately got up and made their way to where the men broke in.

"Guys, you know that since we're doing this. Everyone will know we exist...I.e the cops and anyone remotely important that's going to be there." Alex warnee the group which made them think for a second.

"Let them know." Venus said confidently before the team switched on their voice modifiers and climbed down their separate buildings getting ready to make their official debut the Central City Protecters.

Central City was about to see them for the first time, not as a myth or legend but as heroes, the heroes they were.

But who says

They were


For everything?

Here's chapter 18 :))
Btw if anyone has any ideas for team names pls comment them and I might have a little voting thing later.

Anywho I'm making these slow burns as slow as I can but it's hard writing love stories when you've only experienced heart break :(

But what did you guys think?

But what did you guys think?

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