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Jake, Leo and Alex arrived around the same time as everyone else did with some pizza. They had managed to get Alex put of the house by asking Felicity's older sister, Delilah offered to watch Valerie since she was a cop at the CCPD and especially since she had heard about the recent events in Star City they trusted that she would be able to handle anything or atleast enough.

" Oh thank God, more food." Luisa said before snatching the box out if Jake's hands and walked to the kitchen with Giovana.

" What's up with them?" He asked.

" Long story. We have something else to discuss." Xander responded as the boys pulled up some chairs and sat with the others.

" So what's the emergency?" Cassie asked her sister.

" To the Bunker we go!" She exclaimed before everyone stood up from their places and walked into the elevator, pressed the down arrow and the descended.

Once they reached the bunker Bailey lead them to the computer table and they all gathered around it.

" We found something earlier we thought you guys should see." Bailey said looking for the file, she found it and tapped it and skipped to the part that they were looking for.

The group of teens expression ranged from terrified, nauseous to intrigued but over all they were scared. As soon as the video ended, Cassie, Leo, Alex and Hanna went of in different directions to throw up.

" Who the hell was that?" Hanna asked as she wiped her rinced mouth with her sleeve.

" That's the thing, we don't know. All we know is that this person killed 2 police guards and injured 6." Luisa stated as she came around the corner with Giovana with some boxes of pizza.

" This was what the Pizza was for." Giovana mumbled making Luisa chuckle.

" What do you need us for?" Jake asked the hispanic and tanned girl.

" We want to stop this guy." Bailey blurted as most of the eyes in the room trailed over to her in shock.

" You want us to stop that icy psycho!" Hanna exclaimed

" Yeah, I think we should. I mean we've gotten the hang of our powers." Bailey pointed out, causing a scoff to come fro Hanna.

" We've been training for a damn week. We aren't even close to ready." Hanna exclaimed

" Exactly!" Bailey exclaimed as a sudden thought popped into her head.

" What?!"

"We can use that! He most probably got his powers the same time we did right?" She started.

" Yeah?" Leo answered.

" That means he's probably just as unskilled as we are. I mean he doesn't look older than us so he probably would've had to go to school I.e only giving him time to train and practice his powers after school and weekends." Bailey started

" She's actually on to something." Giovana said with interest.

" So it won't be that hard to kick his ass." Bailey concluded with a prideful smile on her face.

" Plus, Bails and I think theres a 98 percent chance that he's a Cyrokenetic." Luisa said taking another bite of her pizza.

" Cyro what now?!" Venus questioned

" A person who can physically fight with cold and ice." Cassie answered.

"We're basically fighting an evil Jack Frost." Emma stated to her new friends.

" Aww Jack Frost's my favorite." Giovana pouted making Luisa giggle again.

" Wait we can't go out and kick criminal ass in these, we need something else." Xander stated and a smile formed on Luisa's face.

" I have an idea, metas send me your measurements, non metas stay here." Luisa said.

" Why should we stay?" Jake asked referring to himself, Leo, Jake, Venus, Alex and Adira.

" While the Metas train, we are going to work on Codenames, Suits and most importantly we are going to try and figure our who Ice Storm is... Oh yess ICE STORM that's what were calling him!" Luisa concluded before everyone went to do their tasks.

It's time for

The badass-ery

To begin

Here chapter 8... little shorter that expected but... yeah :)
What do yall think and what are your theories

 yeah :) What do yall think and what are your theories

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