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Luisa and Adira arrived at the scene to find a bunch of men in black and full faces masks carrying Lukas out the van. They hid behind a Bush watching the action trying to make a plan.

" Looks like they knocked Lukas out again and they're going to put him in that van. I'm going to sneak to take the driver to the hospital. Then I'll come back give you a signal then we'll attack. Then you'll take those 3 guys on the right and I'll take the 4 on the left. " Luisa said as she switched on her voice modifier and Adira did the same.

Luisa quickly crawled across the road to the flipped over truck where the severely injured driver was, lucky for her she was wearing her gloves. She pulled him out of the wreckage, dusted off the glass and checked for a pulse. It was faint but it was there, that's the important part. She put his arm over her shoulder and teleported him to the Central City General and put him on a bed in the ER then teleported back to Adira.

" Let's go." Luisa said before the two girls pounced on the men in black.

Luisa used her powers to stop the bullets and throw them back hitting them as Adira shot her arrows and dodged bullets. Luisa used her powers to throw two of the men into the van knocking them out as Adira shot an arrow into a guys leg and kicking him hard in the head knocking them out.

Then all of a sudden a man with a weird looking gun, no it was a gun with tech, alot of it. He started firing some sort of energy at the two girls, they quickly shielded themselves behind the doors of the flipped over van.

" What the hell is that?!" Adira questioned.

"I don't know!" Luisa responded as she took a quick peek at what the man was doing now.

Then she saw, him. Lukas Snart had woken up and he was pissed.

" I know you're there! Might as well come out so I can finish the job!" Ice Storm taunted.

"Guys what's happening?!" Alex asked on the comns.

"Lukas just woke up!"

" What! Get out of there." He demanded as his sister rolled him eyes.

" Alex we'll be fine." Adira assured before launching out of the spot they were hiding in and shooting the man with the gun in the leg before kicking him, knocking him out.

" Adira get back here!" Luisa whisper yelled into the comns.

"Phantom I got him, wait where's Ice..." Adira started before turning around and seeing Ice Storm ready to attack.

In that moment it felt like everything slowed down. All Luisa could think of was protecting Adira so she did. She sprung up from her place and tackled Adira just as Ice Storm shot, hitting Luisa instead of Adira, there she was on the ground with an icicle in the side of her of her waist.

" Shit! Shit... shit! Phantom are you ok?!" Adira panicked as Luisa grunted in pain.

" It was nice kicking your asses." He snickered.

" I swear to God I'm going to kill you!" Adira snapped as she held Luisa as tears streaked down her eyes.

" But your friend, Phantom? Won't be alive to see it. Bye foxy bitches!" He smiles before entering the passenger side of the van and drove off.

"Guys get the med bay ready. Luisa's hurt. Real bad!" She stuttered into the comns.

Luisa used the last of her energy to teleport the two just outside the Cabin.

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