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The following morning Cassie woke up and found herself on her bed with Bailey, Lu and Emma. The night before Iris had come home to check on them and found them on her bed, she covered the girls and let them sleep.

She carefully climbed out of bed, being careful not to wake any of them up and made her way to her bathroom. She looked in the mirror. Her eyes furrowed, her hair. It was blonde.

" What the hell." She mumbled to herself as she held some strands in front of her eyes to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. She silently screamed into her hands and ran her fingers through her now blonde hair.

"Okay Cassiopeia breath. You don't look that bad, it actually looks good. It looks.....good....my hair looks...good." she huffed trying to convince herself that she looked good with blonde hair.

"Cas what's going...whoa!" Lu asked till she saw her hair.

" When did you go blonde?" Cassie shrugged her shoulders at Lu's question.

" That's the thing I didn't. I woke up like this." She responded as she pointed at her head.

" So... what...do you think that energy...thing that hit us yesterday did...well...that?" Lu asked as she pointed at her best friend.

" I feel like the particle accelerator explosion did a hell lot more than die my hair." Cassie stated

" Why do you say that?" Lu questioned the brunette gone blonde.

"I don't know. Just a feeling i guess."


Iris had told Cassie about what happened to Barry and now Cassie and Bailey were at the hospital visiting him. Cassie was standing by his bedside while Bailey sat with her dad who was sleeping, Iris went to go get some coffee for everyone.


Giovana woke up with a splitting headache. She clenched her head as she groaned and rubbed her temples. She walked over to her bathroom, the lights switched on.

That made her furrow her eyebrows. She didn't even switch on the light, she just walked in and it switched on.

She walked out, it went off, back in it went on.

" Oh God, I'm hallucinating." She said as she looked in the mirror and rubbed her head.

She walked down stairs, a not on the counter that said.

I went to the hospital, they need extra help.
Theres French toast in the fridge
call me if you need anything

I love you honey
Aunt Maleia

Giovana let out a frustrated sigh, then suddenly all the appliances turned on.

The microwave, stove, oven, washing machine, dishwasher and even the lights started flickering.

" Deep breathe Gia...in...and out." She said as she took deep breaths, which caused the appliances and lights to switch off.

"What in the actual hell...just happened." Gia question


Luisa was at home now and she was meditating on her bedroom carpet. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths.

What she didn't realize was that her pillows, objects on her desk and even her side tables.

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