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It had been a few days since Gia met her siblings...well they knew her as a good friend and Luisa had met up with Lukas and Ashley.

Luisa had to keep on leaving randomly to meet up with them to finalize the details of the plan before they would meet up with the rest of the team. That day was coming sooner that expected.

Giovana on the other hand had grown closer with her siblings, whom were obvious of the fact that the curly haired girl shared the same womb as them.

But all three of them were obvious about the power they held.


Luisa had decided to inform the team on her recent investigation. She had called Ashley and Lukas and told them to meet them in the middle of the woods.

Luisa had called the team asking the metas to meet her in their suits where her obvious tracker would be, the woods. They had to walk quite a distance to find her but eventually they did.

"Hey Lu..." Cassie...well Mage greeted the Hispanic girl before signaling them to put their voice modifiers on.

"So I called you all here because I managed to hunt down my lead." She started.

"Okay so what is it?" Shifter aka Ashton asked her.

"More like who..." Luisa replied before she motioned for Lukas and Ashley to come out of their hiding spots behind the trees.

The moment the heroes noticed their enemies stepping out of the trees behind Luisa they immediately got ready to fight, fists up and powers ready.

"Guys calm down. For one Second just listen to me!" Luisa pleaded making them relax for a moment.

"What the hell are they doing here?" Mage demanded in her distorted voice.

"We need them...like they need us."

"And why would we need the help of the people that have been causing chaos around the city." Venus...well Atlas barked in her distorted voice.

"Not to mention that 1 of them killed two innocent people and nearly killed you!" Ashton...Shifter spat too in his distorted voice before softening his glare when he saw Luisa's pleading eyes.

"We need them because they're the other two people that will die that night." Luisa told the group before their gaze moved to the two Sophomores.

"And before you guys ask how I know I confirmed with Vincent. Okay they know where the Diamond is gonna be next. We just need to get it. Well steal it." She explained to the group, not all of which were convinced.

" Firstly steal?! And secondly how do we know that they won't betray us?" Adira...well Shikari whom had decided to join them questioned.

"What's worse?! Huh! Them stabbing us in the back or us dying?! In possibly the worst most pain full way possible. In 21 days that explosion is going to kill us! I'm not willing to try every single way to save us! They are just as scared as you guys are, as I am! So pull your heads out of your asses or that explosion won't be your only problem!" Luisa lectured the group in a frightened voice.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment but reluctantly they agreed to work together.

"So...what's the plan?" Bailey...well Queen B asked the Hispanic girl before they all huddled around her and the two Sophomores and started discussing.

They Hoped

To God

That the plan

Would work

Two more chapters then it's the epilogue 😭😭😭

Ahhh its gonna be so hard to write... the amount of work and time....

Well let's hope their plan works

Well let's hope their plan works

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