𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙬𝙤

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𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙬𝙤

It had been a few days since they got the Diamond. They had it, all they needed to do was to figure out how to open it, well access the information.

Lucky for the field team they did get any injuries all they needed was some food and rest.

Today Gia's aunt had invited Gina, Grayson along with their 'parents' over to talk about something. Gia knew exactly what that something was.

She was currently getting ready for their arrival. She put on a pair if mom jeans, her AC/DC shirt, her black vans and her combed her hair out.

A few minutes later the sound of her doorbell filled the small home. Gia quickly ran down the stairs to greet her friends.

"Hey guys come in. " Giovana beamed before stepping aside to let the adults in as Gina and Grayson pulled her into a hug.

The Daniel's family was lead over to the living room where Gia's aunt Lori and Uncle Terence were waiting.

They sat down on the sofa as the adults greeted eachother.

"Mom can we go down to Jitters?" Gina asked her mother.

"After this honey, we need to tell you three something." Gina and Grayson's 'mother' Flores told her.

"Its about your birth parents and Giovana here." Their 'father' Cory spoke before the adults took a deep breath.

That's when the explanation started, the look of heartbreak filled the three teenagers eyes. Sure Gia knew that they were her siblings but the other details she didn't know about.

"So you're telling me that our mother separated us from our sister who's been alone for her entire life and you won't tell us why?" Grayson snapped who's eyes had pooled with tears.

"For now we don't think it's safe yet but your mother, Saoirse will explain when she gets back." Lori told the three 14 year olds.

"Wait mom's coming back... I...I... haven't seen her since i was like 7." Gia spoke with a small smile.

"Yeah the reason that she was put into Witness protection is no longer a threat so she can come home." Terence answered.

"And theres another thing. After the summer you guys along with the Mrs Troy and Ricky will be moving here, I think Rosalie is moving here too." Flores told the group.

Patrick Troy along with his mother Donna Troy were moving to Central City along with Rosalie Lance. Her father didn't want her to spend the remaining years of her highschool career in that city so she was to move in with her mother.

"What whyy." Gina snapped as she wipes away her tears.

"The company Donna and I work at is about to open up a new place here and the need more staff plus we're getting a promotion." Flores answered.

"Plus it's better to stay together here in this city where your sister is and your birth mother is coming home soon." Cory added.

"So we're moving our entire lives just because she came into the picture. I mean we didn't even know her till a few weeks ago! This isn't fair!" Gina raged as she pointed to Gia who gulped for a moment.

"Ginesis Evangeline Daniels. That is your sister you're taking about!" Cory defended the other curly haired girl.

"I don't give two shits that she's my sister and her in general what I do give a shit about is my home!" She continued.

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