𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚

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𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲

The last few weeks had been in preparation for Luisa's quinceanera. It had been alot of work the group had to admit but it was going to be worth it in the end.

The day after Mason's parents were found the Wests got a knock on the door and saw it was Mallory Wickerson with bags under her eyes. She was there to invite Bailey to her parents funeral, she told the girl that her parents loved her and knew it would help Alexis if she was there. So Bailey being the girl she was went to the funeral, despite the events of the night before

The Cassie and Bailey were currently getting ready for the next couple hours. The dress Luisa had chosen for the court was a simple navy blue long blackless tulle dress with white vans. Cassie had her hair half up, half down and Bailey had curled her hair slightly.

Callie was adding the finishing touches to her present for Luisa when Iris called them downstairs telling them they had to go.


The venue was gorgeous. From the set up of the tables to the decorations were all blue and black with quite a couple science equations or symbols.

By now the entrance had already happened and now everyone was standing up for the toast. Luisa's Abuela, Xiomara was going to speak first.

"I'm going to say this in Espanol and I'll translate it to the best of my ability after. En primer lugar, me gustaría agradecer a todos por tomarse el tiempo para estar aquí. Mi hermosa nieta, parecía que fue ayer cuando tu madre llamó para decirme que te iba a tener. No me malinterpreten, amo a Fransisco y Dante, pero tú fuiste mi primera nieta. Sabes una de las cosas que amo de ti, eres tan inteligente como tu abuelo. Recuerdo llevarlos a la tienda cuando tenían solo 4 años, íbamos a comprarles algunos juguetes. Vi a todas esas niñas ir a comprar esas muñecas Barbie, pero tú. Fuiste a buscar esos experimentos y me rogaste que los comprara. Siempre has sido especial y espero que lo sepas. Espero que sepas lo orgulloso que estoy de ti junto con tus padres y hermanos, todos los días sigues sorprendiéndome." Xiomara started as she teared up slightly as Luisa did too.

"firstly I'd like to thank everyone for taking the time to be here. My beautiful grand daughter, it felt like it was just yesterday when your mother called telling me that she was going to have you. Don't get me wrong i love Fransisco and Dante but you were my first granddaughter. You know one of the things i love about you, you're just as smart as your grandfather. I remember taking you two the store when you were only 4, we were going to buy you some toys. I saw all those little girls go buy those barbie dolls, but you. You went to find those experiments and begged me to buy them. You've always been special and i hope you know that you are. I hope you know how proud your I am of you along with your Parents and brothers, everyday you continue to suprise me." Xiomara translated

"I thank God every day for blessing our family with you. But I especially thank him for you making it this far in your life. My wish for you is that you live your life, have fun, find love but I hope you know that we'll always love you." Xiomara concluded with tears before everyone raised their glasses and took a sip of their drinks.

"And now we have a suprise speaker. Cassie, it's time for you to speak." Luisa's dad, Lorenzo announced making Luisa's eyes widen.

"Lu, Isa, different names, same amazing person. I met Luisa Graciela Ramon when I was 4 years old and was in the Mrs. Hopkins' class. We weren't in the same class but we all obviously shared a playground. We were in the sandbox, building sand castles when Luisa tried to get the attention of the girl behind me when she accidentally threw sand into my eyes. I must admit that it was very painful." Cassie started making the crowd laugh at the last part.

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