1; I'm so happy

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As long as I can remembery my family and the Seavey family were best friends.

My dad and Keri went to university together.

Then my dad met my mother, a smart, beautiful young woman from Germany.

Obliviously they fell in love.

They married, got kids and were best friends with the Seaveys all the time.

But then when I was 6 years old my grandma in Germany got really sick and we moved to her.

It was really hard for me.

I didn't knew anyone and I missed my friends back in America so much.

When I got to school I found new friends but I still stayed in contact with Anna, Daniel, Christian and Tyler.

Although they were all older than me they were the best friends I could imagine.

I was so happy when we were on holiday in America or they came to visit us.

I remember when Daniel was on idol and so many girls had a crush on him.

Only few people know that I'm from America and no one knows that I'm friends with the Seaveys.

When they started the band I was so proud and so excited to get to know all of them.

I had the feeling that they would become a big thing.

Now I am 18, still living in Germany and although we moved here 12 years ago my best friends are still friends with Anna, Daniel, Christian and Tyler, but I'm definitely closer with Daniel amd Anna.

It's the last week before summerbreak and I'm very excited cause I'm gonna be in LA for the whole holidays.

The last time I saw Anna and Daniel in person was in winter and it's been way too long.

I'm laying on my bed, staring at my closet and try to decide what clothes I should take with me.

My phone rings. It's Anna.

"Hey Anna, how are you?" I ask and smile at her.

"I'm fine thanks, what are you doing?" she asks.

"Packing stuff... I don't know what I should take with me and what not." I groan.

"I'm so happy that you're coming. I made a very long bucket list what we should do." she says.

"Aww I'm so happy to see you guys again too." I answer.

"I bet you're happier to see Daniel. I guess this summer will be really romantic..." she smirks.

"Oh my, Anna! Stop it! We're just friends and you know that. Besides that Daniel is way to busy for a long distance relationship." I say.

Anna ships me and Daniel since what feels like ever.

She thinks there's a thing between us but I know that I'm like a second sister to him.

"But what about you?" I say and point at the camera.

"I bet there is someone YOU like!" I say.

"Noo!" Anna shouts and blushes, I can see in her eyes that she is lying.

"Uhh, has Anna a crush on someone? You have to tell me everything when I'm there!" I laugh.

"I don't know what I should tell you, there isn't anything!" she says but blushes more.

Anna could never keep any secrets from me, even when we're just texting I could tell whether she tells the truth or not.

"By the way, so you and Jonah are going to pick me up from the airport and afterwards we're driving to Daniel's house, right?"

"Yeah, and after that we'll have dinner with Daniel at our favorite restaurant. I'm so happy!"

"Aww, this will be the best summer ever!" I say in excitement.

"I have to go now, I'll text you later" Anna says and hangs up.

I stand up from my bed and go to my desk.

The presents for Daniel, Anna and Daniel's friends are already laying there.

Sadly I probably won't see Christian and Tyler.

Christian got a role in a series and he'll be in New York filming it most of the time, while Tyler is on a roadtrip through the states.

I got a special German candy the boys totally love, a cute skirt for Anna which I saw at a shop and had to buy it for her and for Daniel a giraffe hoodie which has ears and stuff.

I take all those things and put them in one of my suitcases.

I literally can't wait.

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