8; Thank you

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"Anna? I got a question...You say it would be weird if you would be together with one of your brother's best friends... Why do you always tell me I should be with Daniel. Why isn't it weird if your brother would be with one of your best friends, but if you would be with one of your brother's best friends it would be?" I ask.

"That's a completely different thing. You and Daniel are best friends, you know each other better than you know yourselves, you two are literally made for each other! To Eben I'm just Daniel's sister, he knows me but doesn't sees me as a friend or something!"

"Just Daniel's sister?! You know how many girls out there would kill to be you? You're not 'just Daniel's sister'! You are amazing and so much more than that. And I don't think he 'only knows you'! He follows you on Instagram!"

"Sky, that doesn't means anything! He follows many people! He only follows me because of Daniel!"

"No, that can't be true! He doesn't follow Svea, Isla and Reese! It's not like he just follows you because your Daniel's sister!"

"Okay, okay! But that wasn't the topic!" Anna finally says.

"What was the topic then?" I ask.

"The topic was, that you and Daniel should definitely date!"

"Anna no! We are just FRIENDS! First he's much older than me, second he doesn't sees me in that way and I neither do and third are long-term relationships way to hard. It would be hard to be with him if I would live here because of the band, I don't know how it would be if I would live 6000 miles away! You know how hard it is for Corbyn and Christina! They are at least they are in the same country!" I explain.

"Good points, but to the first one, you told me it would be okay if Eben and I would be together, you and Daniel are even closer. To the third one: Daniel travels much and it was possible to be friends all the time so I think it wouldn't turn out that bad and to the second: you have good arguments, what means you thought about it before and that means you at least like him a little but in that way."

After Anna said that I blush.

Okay I already thought about it, but just because Anna always tells me about it.

I mean, indeed he is hot, but why would he think about me in that way?

God, I just think about these things because Anna always has those stupid ideas.

Daniel could have nearly every girl in the world, why would he even choose me?

"I think you should show him a little bit that you like him. I'm sure he likes you but is just to shy to show it. Just make a step, he will follow!" Anna says.

"Why should I make a step, I'm not interested and even if I would be interested I would never make a step because it would destroy our friendship." I explain.

Anna just smiles and says "We'll see..."

"Urgh Anna. You are annoying. I am not interested."

In exact that moment Daniel comes in.

"Hey" he says and smiles big.

Immediately I blush.

"Hi!" I say and try to ignore the fact that I know what Anna thinks in that moment.

I still hear her words in my head "We'll see..."

"Why are you already back?" I ask

"Jack had to go because the Lavender's  babysitter got sick, Corbyn got a call from Christina and Zach isn't feeling well and went home to sleep. I hope he'll feel better when we're on tour." he explains.

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