9; You're cheating

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I hug Anna again. "I don't wanna leave you!" I nearly cry.

Tomorrow is the first show of the tour what means I have to say goodbye to Anna now.

I didn't thought it would be that hard.

"No don't cry! We gonna see us again in October!" she says but I see tears in her eyes too.

"Don't say anything about me to anyone okay!" she reminds me.

"Yes" I say and roll my eyes.

Daniel comes and hugs Anna too.

"Bye little sis" he mumbles.

"Take care of Sky! Make sure she doesn't do anything stupid!" Anna tells Daniel.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid. I think you have tell your brother to do nothing stupid himself. Like putting a video of drunk Jonah on hos story..." I laugh.

"It was on accident!" Daniel explains me, again.

"Yeah, I know..." I say

"Sorry but we have to go now!" Jon says to us.

I hug Anna one last time and Daniel pulls me into the bus.

It's very big and comfy.

The others are in the back of the bus playing cards.

I walk through a small kitchen towards the living area kinda thing with a desk, several seats and a TV.

I sit down on one sear and stare out of the window.

It's already getting dark.

"What are you thinking about?" Daniel asks.

I look up into his face.

"Nothing... I miss home." I say.

"Come I wanna show you something." he says and pulls me on my feet.

He leads me to the kitchen, grabs a bag and pulls me upstairs to the bunks.

He opens a door at the other end which I didn't recognized until now.

Behind the door is a room with couches, pillows many blankets and a big TV.

On the walls are light chains.

Daniel sits down at one of the couches and I sit down on the other.

"Soo what were you really thinking about downstairs? I know there is something different!" he says and looks me straight into the eyes.

I look down.

"I can't tell you!" I say.

"Sky! You look sad and I don't want you to be sad. You can tell me anything!" Daniel says in a serious voice.

"I swear I can't tell you. Anna told me something and said I shouldn't tell anyone. I don't want her to be mad at me." I explain.

Daniel looks shocked and I quick say "It's nothing illegal or something it's just a little secret between girls!".

"Okay good. Wait did you talk about that thing in the restaurant while I was at the restroom?".


"I already wondered what the 'surprise' could be." he laughs.

"I think Anna forgot about that" I laugh too.

"Are you really home sick?" he asks me then.

"Uhm a little bit..." I tell him.

"I know the perfect thing against homesickness!" he says with his special Daniel smile.

He grabs the bag and takes out  cookies.

"Wait a minute!" he says and goes through the door.

He comes back with more candy and a uno game.

"OMG you took it with you?" I say.

We used to play it all day long when we were younger.

He sits down next to me and gives me the cards.

We play a few rounds.

When I win the third time Daniel gets suspicious.

"That's unfair! You manipulated the cards or something. You're cheating!"

"I didn't manipulated them! I swear." I say.

"Nah I don't believe you and you know what I have to do if someone cheats..." Daniel says.

"NOOO! Don't you dare!" I shout.

He comes closer.

Since we were little Daniel always thinks I'm cheating because I win often.

When he lost too many times he always tickled me.

I go backwards but the room is too small and I can't go further back.

With a big step he's at me and starts tickling me.

I let out a loud shriek.

"Noooo! Stop it." I say under laughter.

"What the heck are you doing?" I hear Jonahs voice.

Daniel is frightened and I use the short moment of him not paying attention to jump away from him and hide being Jonah.

The other boys are coming upstairs too now.

"Uhm we played cards and she cheated and I tickled her." Daniel explains and blushes.

"I didn't cheat! I'm just better than you" I explain.

"Oh yay candy!" Zach says behind me and grabs a cookie.

"Oh I wanna watch a Disney movie!" he says.

"Oh yay I wanna watch one too!" I say and sit down again again. The others sit down too.

Corbyn turns the TV on and asks
"What movie should we watch?"

"Frozen!" I shout. (a/n stan olaf or go away)

"Beauty and the beast!" Daniel shouts.

"Aladdin!" Jack shouts.

"Tangled" Zach shouts.

"Cinderella!" Eben shouts.

"Brave!" Jonah shouts.

"Uhmm we can't watch all..." Corbyn says.

"I wanna watch beauty and beast too" he adds and smiles at Daniel.

"Awww #Dorbyn" I shout and everyome laughs.

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