7; Penny for your thoughts?

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The next few weeks we hang out at the beach, party and just have fun.

At the moment I'm at the beach with Anna, Gabbie, Eben, Jack, Zach, Jonah, Corbyn and Daniel.

We have one more week until the boys will start touring in the US.

I'm really exited cause I'm gonna go on tour with them for three weeks.

Sadly Anna won't come with us, but obviously it will be really fun touring with the boys and Eben.

I already made a plan how I get him to tell me his crush.

Suddenly someone hugs me from behind.

It's Daniel.

"Daniel! What do you want?!" I ask.

"Penny for your thoughts?" he asks.

"I'm just thinking about life and stuff. The time here goes by too fast..." I say, maybe a little bit sad.

"Nawww. We're gonna come to Germany in October again. And we'll see each other on Christmas." he say.

"Now come, I wanna swim." he says and pulls me towards the water.

"Where are the chips?" I ask Anna.

"Wait a minute, I'll show you!" she shouts back.

Since Anna and I have only a few days together left she decided made an exact plan what we'll do.

Tonight the plan is just Netflix and chill.

Daniel is out with the boys so it's just the two of us.

Anna and I bought a ton of candy and stuff and made a really long list what we wanna watch.

Where half way through the first film when Anna suddenly graps the remote and pauses the film.

"Sky? You have to promise me something." she says im a serious voice.

"Uhm, what?" I ask

"When you're on tour you'll probably hang with Eben a lot... I know you and I know you made an exact plan how to get Eben to like me but... Please don't tell him." she says

"But Anna! I had such a good plan! I thought you really liked him!"

"Yeah sure I like him, but first I don't like him that much, and second you know what Daniel thinks about me and dating. He would be angry if I'd date one of his best friends. It would be weird." Anna explains.

"Okay you're right. I'm not allowed to say one single thing? Just a little hint?" I try to convince her.

"No! I know what happened last time you had such a plan. NO!" she says and sounds a little like her mom.

I smile.

The last time I had 'such a plan' I had the idea that Zach should go to prom with Anna.

I know sounds stupid but I had that plan in my head and it turned out terrible.

They ended up talking no word to each other for two months because they both thought the other person made all that chaos.

It was terrible.

This time I had a way better plan...

"But what if he tells me about his crush? Should I try to push her away or something? I could-" I try to explain but she interrupts me.

"No! I don't even wanna hear it! Just let it be!"

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