16; She likes you

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"Dude I really don't know what to do" I say to Corbyn and Jonah.

We're at the meet and greet at the moment, but there's some problem with the camera.

"I think you should just tell her. I mean I see that look in your eyes when you see her. You only do that when you're with your family or her." Corbyn says.

"Yeah, maybe because she's family to me?" I say.

"Oh come on, we all know you have a major crush on her." Jonah says.

"Shush, not that loud!" I say

"Okay let's go! Next!" Zack shouts.

"Just tell her. She probably likes you too!" Jonah whispers, so the girl that is hugging Jack can't hear us.

"You should just ask your sister. She probably knows averything about it. Just do it!" Corbyn whispers.

"Well first of all I can't just ask..." I wanna say but I have to shut up so the girl won't hear us.

"Hey what's you're name?" Corbyn asks while hugging her.

"Emma!" she says exited.

"It's so great meeting you! You literally saved my life and helped me through so much. Thank you for everything!" she smiles.

I hug her.

"You're cute." I tell her what makes her smile even bigger.

"Thank you, you too!" she says.

I hug her for the photo and she says: "Good bye, it was so nice meeting you, I love you" I say

"Aww I love you too" she says as she waves goodbye

She goes and I can hear her scream "Omg he said he loves me!" what makes me smile.

"Well first of all, I can't tell Anna because if I did I'd admit that I liked her and she would be annoying about it all the time, second she would probably tell it Sky and it would be super duper awkward and I don't wanna lose her as a friend and third I won't tell anyone because she doesn't likes me back! She probably likes some weird German guy or someone of you guys." I finish my sentences from earlier.

"You would be the perfect couple!" Corbyn says.

"Yeah, the fans love her, we love her, you're family loves her, literally everyone loves her!" Jonah says.

Another girl comes to hug us and we take the photo.

"But that's not even the problem! The problem is, that Sky doesn't like me!" I tell them.

"Of course she likes you. She's your best friend!" Zach says.

"He meant like like not like." Jonah explains.

"Of course she like likes you. Haven't you seen the way she blushes literally all the time when she's around you?" Zach laughs.

We stop talking to take a photo with the next girl.

"She blushes around everyone!" I try to convince them.

"I think it's adorable" Zach answers.

"Zach! This isn't about  Sky being adorable, it's about the fact she doesn't like likes me!" I say.

The next girl passes by.

"Guys, of course does Sky like likes you! I mean have you seen her earlier while limelight? You kissed a girl on the cheek for a photo and she saw it. If looks could kill neither you nor the girl would be alive now." Jack suddenly says.

"Yes! I saw it too. It was the same look Tate has on her face everytime she sees pictures of random girls with me..." Jonah says.

"Yeah, I know what you mean!" Corbyn says.

"Sounds like someone is jealous..." Zach says.

The next girl passes by.

"Have you looked at her the last weeks? She's really really into you." Jack says.

"Guys! Could you please stop talking about MY lovelife all the time?" I interrupt them.

"Well, to be honest there isn't really a lovelife because he hasn't asked Sky out yet. What you should definitely do. " Zach says.

"Zachary Dean Herron, I'm gonna kill you!" I say.

The next girl comes.

"So conclusion: Sky is in to you and you should marry her cause you guys are adorable." Corbyn says

"Stop. Talking. About. Sky. That. Loud." I say in anger.

"You're talking about Sky? Damn that girl really has a crush on you." Zack suddenly says.

"God could y'all please just stop!" I say again, but nobody listens to me.

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