21; I wish

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"Hey Sky" Anna says.

"Oh hi Anna!" Anna just came into my room and now sits down at my desk.

It's Thursday, tomorrow is the boy's first show here.

"Sooo you and Daniel...." she starts.

"What about me and Daniel?" I blush.

"You guys have been all flirty the whole week, so would you please tell me what happened?" she asks.

"Well he wrote me a letter a-" I wanna say but I het interrupted.

"What kind of letter?" Anna asks.

I stand up and give her the letter. She grabs it and reads it.

"That's so cute!" she says.

"And then we kinda kissed..." I tell her.

"WHAT?!" she shouts "so are you guys acting weird and all flirty because you are secretly dating but don't want anyone to find out?" she whispers.

"Haha I wish" I say "He didn't mentioned the kiss once what makes me think he didn't like it but on the other hand he's flirting with me for real and that confuses me completely!" I explain.

"That's so.... typical" Anna says annoyed.

"Anyways, what about you and Eben" I change the topic.

"We hung out a little but not much, nothing special" she says.

"Okay Anna I have to tell you something I wanted to tell you for a long time but I couldn't" I start.

"If it's something about Eben I don't want to hear it." she immediately says.

"I don't care. Eben likes you." I tell her.

"Come on Sky stop joking around about that it's annoying" she says.

"Anna, please listen he likes you, he told me last tour but I couldn't tell you and you should definitely shoot your shot and I am not lying!" I quickly explain.

"Oh." she says. With that Anna leaves the room.


I'm sitting on the couch scrolling through instagram when suddenly Anna storms to me.

She seems mad.

She sits down next to me and starts whisper yelling at me:

"What the fuck Daniel?! You kissed Sky and were all flirty but didn't talk to her about the kiss?! She's worried you don't like her!"

"Uhm...." I say

"No uhm! Do you love her?"

I don't answer.

"Daniel James Seavey do you love her?!"

"Yes" I whisper.

"Then ask her to be your girlfriend!" she says.

"But what if she says no?" I ask.

"She loves you too dummie"

"But what if she says no because of the distance? She lives here and I live in LA" I tell her.

"Daniel, you guys managed to he friends all tho the distance the past 10 years. Why shouldn't it work now? You guys see each other on holidays and because of tour. Besides that she's planning to move to LA next year." Anna tells me.

"But the last time i wanted to ask her she didn't show up and didn't talk to me for two months!" I say

"That's what you wanted to do last summer?" Anna asks.

"Yes. So you think I should really do it?" Daniel asks.

"Oh my gosh yes. But do something special!" she say exited.

"Okay, I gonna do it. Meet me in my room in 10 minutes." I says smiling big.

I jump up and run upstairs.

10 minutes later all the boys and Anna are in my room.

"So I made up my mind and I wanna ask Sky the question." I tell them.

They all smile big.

"But it has to be something special.

Like the most special thing.

So we need to plan everything but we have to make sure she doesn't suspects anything so someone has to go shopping with her or something." I explain.

"I'll do that" Anna immediately says.

"No someone else has to do it, we need your girly ideas to make sure the plan is actually good." I say.

"Okay I'll go shopping with her. I need new shoes anyway" Corbyn says.

"Okay, thank you. Let's get planning!" I say excited.

A/n: This story is nearly finished and I'm currently writing some extra chapters, bit it feels kinda weird posting this now that we know Daniel probably has a gf haha

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