2.4; She's so small II

536 10 16


I look down to the little baby in her arms.

She smiles down at it, she seems happier than ever, but I can see how exhausted she is.

"It's a girl, Dani, your biggest dream" she looks up and smiles with tears in her eyes.

"Do you wanna hold her?" she asks

"Do you- But how?" I stutter

"Dani, don't worry, you can do it. It's easy!" she says and hands me her.

Carefully I take her into my arms.

She's so pretty.

She's my daughter.

I'm a dad!

I wipe a tear away.

"She's so precious"

I hear the door opening.

"Hello Sky, how are you" I hear my Mom say.

She goes to Sky's bed and hugs her.

"Anna, Christian and Tyler will come later, just like the band. I also called your parents and they're taking the next plane." she tells Sky.

She looks over to me.

"Is it- Is it a boy or a girl?" she asks as she comes to me.

"She's a girl." I say

"She's so small" I say.

A tear falls from my mom's eye.

"That's exactly what you said when you saw Sky the first time" she whispers.

"Do you wanna hold her?" I ask

"Yes!" mom smiles.

Carefully I hand my daughter to her.

"I'm a grandma!" she says happily.

"Sooo... What's her name?" mom asks us.

I look to Sky.

She smiles at me and nodds.

I take a breath.

"Her name is..."

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