10; You're welcome

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After the movie ended we all start going to bed.

My bunk is above Daniel's and next to Corbyn's.

I go to the little bath to brush my teeth and put my pajamas on.

I'm hella tired.

I lay down in my bunk and the others do too.

We're already at the concert venue so we don't drive overnight.

We talk a little but soon it gets quite and everyone sleeps.

Everyone but me.

Earlier I was tired but now I am widely awake.

I turn on the other side but I can't sleep.

I take a look on my phone.

It's already been hour of me turning from one side to another.

I open my curtain a little bit and put my head out.

Looks like everyone is asleep.

I look to the door to the little living room and to my astonishment it is open.

Silently I get up and sneak to the door.

I open it completely and go in.

Nobody is here.

I listen and hear someone playing quitar very quite.

It seems like it comes from... Above me?!

I look up and see a little window I didn't recognize earlier.

I try to open it but I'm too short.

I grab a little chair and place it under the window.

Now I can easily reach the window.

I open it and look around.

I see someone sitting just 2 meters away from me.

It's Daniel.

I climb out of the window and sit down next to me.

"Hi!" I whisper. He doesn't seems surprised.

"You can't sleep either, huh?" he says.

I smile because these are the exact same words he said to me just a few days ago.

"No" I say.

I lay down and look up to the stars.

It looks beautiful.

Daniel lays down too.

"That's my favorite place in the bus. I always come here when I wanna be alone or miss home. Last tour there wasn't a window I could climb through. It was horrible" he says.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't meant to interupt you." I say.

"No it's fine! I'm happy that you are here. Sometimes it's a little bit too lonely." he laughs.

He's so precious when he smiles.

He sits up again and grabs his guitar.

He starts playing a little melody.

"New song?" I ask.

"Yeah kind of. I got a good melody and know what I wanna say but I have no idea how."

He looks sad.

"Play it for me" I beg and and look up to him.

"Okyyyy" he says and grabs the first accords.

While playing he looks like he gets lost in the music.

It's beautiful.

Both, the melody and Daniel.

I look up to the stars and just listen.

After he ended he lays down next to me.

I turn to face him.

"It's beautiful. You should play it for the boys and ask about their opinion. I'm sure they have ideas for the text." I tell him.

"Yeah I should do that." he admits.

I smile at him.

His eyes are so beautiful.

It's a little cold up here and I'm a little bit shivering.

"Oh no you're cold! Do you wanna have my hoodie?" he doesn't even gives me a chance to answer and immediately takes off his hoodie.

"No I don't need it!" I say.

"Of course you need it! I can see you shiver!" Daniel says.

"Okay..." I say and put it on.

It smells so good...

Daniel pulls me into his arms.

"I'm so glad you're here. And you're welcome." he says.

"Welcome for what?" I ask.

"You said 'thank you for being my friend' a few days ago. And thank you for being my friend too." he explains.

"I totally forgot about that!" I laugh.

"I wanted to tell you but you already were  asleep." he says.

I look up to the stars and I'm just happy about the moment.

Daniel hugging me under a beautiful sky full of stars.

"We should go back in." he whispers after a while.

We go back to the window and Daniel climbs in first to help me get in too.

I go to the door but Daniel isn't following.

I turn around. Daniel just stands there smiling a big smile at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You're so small. That hoodie is way too big for you." he laughs.

"Hey! I'm not that small!" I say.

He just laughs.

"Perhaps you're just too tall!" I say.

"Don't be mad at me, you look cute!" he says.

"Oh baby I just can't stay mad at you!" I sing.

"I told you you're cute!" he laughs.

I turn around and open the door to the bunks.

"Good night!" I whisper before I climb into my bunk.

I turn onto the side.


I think Anna was right.

I have a crush on Daniel...

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