2.3; little butterfly

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When I leave the plane I already feel the LA flair.

This for sure has been the longest flight of my life.

Daniel visited me a few times in Germany, but it's the first time visiting him here in LA since we're together.

In fact it's probably the last time I'm visiting him too.

No, I'm not breaking up with him, I finished school and decided to move here to go to college in LA.

I'm so excited to finally don't have to do long distance again.

Daniel and I facetimed every day, but the last time I saw him is already 2 months ago.

I quickly go get my luggage and go to the arrival area.

Daniel said he'd pick me up and I'm so excited.

I already shiped most of my stuff here and I can't wait to unpack everything with Anna.

The arrival hall is very crowded and I pull my hood onto my head.

Daniel's fans know that were dating, but it's not like we post everything.

I look around and look for someone with sunglasses or a hood.

"Sky! Over here!" I suddenly hear someone call out.

I turn around.

I see Anna and Christian standing there.

I feel a itch in my heart.

Of course I'm so happy to see both of them, but it hurts to see that Daniel probably couldn't make it.

I quickly go over to them and hug Anna.

"Hey Bestie!" I say.

When she lets go off me I hug Christian.

"Hey little sis" he smiles.

"Hey big bro" I laugh.

"So uhm, where's Daniel?" I try to sound normal all tho I am kinda disappointed.

"He had to do some stuff at the studio, we'll met am at his'... or should I say your's? Dang that's weird" Anna laughs.

"Okay, then let's go!" I say

We arrive at the Seavey brother's house.

I'm moving in here at first, but Daniel and Iare planing on moving into an apartment together.

We already searched for some online and we'll start looking at them next week.

On the one hand it feels like it was just yesterday that I arrived here the first time, on the other hand it feels a lifetime ago.

I see Daniel's Tesla in the driveway and immediately my heart beats higher and a big smile forms on my face.

"Aww look who's all happy to see Daniel again!" Anna teases me.

"Shut up! At least I'm able to admit my feelings" I laugh

Anna still hasn't talked to Eben.

Christian opens the door and immediately Kobe comes running towards the door.

I get down and pet him.

"He's all grown up!" I say.

"Daniel?! We're back!" Christian suddenly shouts next to my ear.

"Christian! Don't yell into my ear like that!" I shout back.

"Sorry" he laughs

"I guess Daniel's in his room" Anna says

"Ok, I'll search him"

I walk through the hallway and quietly open the door to Daniel's room.

He's sitting in front of his music setup and has headphones on.

His head is noding with the music.

I get into his room and stand behind him, then I tap his shoulder.

He turns around.

When he sees me his face lights up.

He quickly puts down the headphones, stands up and pulls me into a hug, all just in a matter of seconds.

"Sky!" he smiles.

"I missed you!" he says

"But what are you doing here already? I thought your plane arrives at-" he takes out hos phone.

His eyes wide.

"Shoot! I totally forgot the time at the studio and them I drove here and had this amazing song idea and I completely forgot to look at the clock, I'm so dumb!" he says

"It's okay Daniel. Anna and Christian picked me up. But I gotta say I was a little disappointed."

"Oh no I'm sorry baby." he takes a strand of hair and puts it behind my ear.

"It's all right. I- I missed you so much" I tell him

He leans down to me.

I close my eyes as his soft lips meet mine.

It's just a light kiss but still a whole lot of butterflies breaks out in my stomach.

He pulls away and I smile at him bright.

"You're cute, you little butterfly" he says and taps my nose.

I look at him madly and say "I'm neiter cute nor little!"

"Do you know that you're even cuter when you try to look mad, cute little buttefly?"

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